Q8 CSC set rules for gradual work resumption after lockdown in Kuwait
Kuwait Civil Service Commission sets rules for gradual work resumption.
KUWAIT, May 27 :
Kuwait Civil Service Commission on Wednesday published guidelines
for public sector personnel and executives on how to resume work gradually for paving the way toward full resumption of duties “in the coming period.” The four-chapter guidelines booklet sets objectives of policies, measures and rules for phased resumption of work, in addition to mechanisms for gradual work hours, as well as how to perform and act various sectors on part of personnel and service applicants.
It also mentions public safety requirements, terms, preventive and precautionary measures that must be adhered to by personnel and people seeking services in various departments and sectors.
Moreover, it touches on some professional and financial rules, in light of prospected circumstances for facing the novel coronavirus (COVID-19), along with instructions to abide by precautionary measures set by relevant health authorities. The Civil Service Commission noted in the brochure necessity to ensure uninterrupted work in the public sector and necessity of working out a mechanism that ensures phased resumption of work that conforms with the current crisis and surrounding circumstances.
There is a need, its notes in part, for providing multiple work options and shifts’ systems, along with ensuring public safety, maintaining health of the employees, the citizens and the residents, in addition to full abidance by the precautionary and preventive measures.
In the first phase, it says, some employees should be relieved of work and granted “rest days,” including the pregnant, mothers nursing babies, employees who suffer from some illnesses, the handicapped, those aged 55 — except for those serving as leaders or supervisors.
Some works can be done by long distance (online), at home partially or fully, it says, noting necessity to keep social distancing among the employees at work places.
Source : KUNA
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