Service Design, Design Coordination in ITIL, ITIL Course
Service Design, Design Coordination in ITIL, ITIL Course
Service Design
Design Coordination
The activities of the service design stage are detailed and complex. Only through well-coordinated action can a service provider hope to create comprehensive and appropriate designs that will support the achievement of the required business outcomes.
Purpose and objectives
The purpose of the design coordination process is to ensure the goals and objectives of the service design stage are met by providing and maintaining a single point of coordination and control for all activities and processes within this stage of the service lifecycle.
The objectives of the design coordination process are:
• Ensure the consistent design of appropriate services, service management information systems, architectures, technology,processes, information and metricsto meet current and evolving business outcomes and requirements
• Coordinate all design activities across projects, changes, suppliers and support teams, and manage schedules, resources and conflicts where required
• Plan and coordinate the resources and capabilities requiredto design new or changedservices
• Produce service design packages (SDPs) based on service charters and changerequests
• Ensure that appropriate service designs and/or SDPs are produced and that they are handed over to service transition as agreed
• Manage the quality criteria, requirements and handover points betweenthe service design stage and service strategy and service transition
• Ensure that all service models and service solution designs conform to strategic, architectural, governance and other corporaterequirements
• Improve the effectiveness and efficiency of service design activities and processes
Service Design, Design Coordination in ITIL, ITIL Course
• Ensure that all parties adopt a common framework of standard, reusable design practices in the form of activities, processes and supporting systems, whenever appropriate
• Monitor and improve the performance of the service design lifecycle stage.
The scope of the design coordination processincludes all design activity, particularly all new or changed service solutionsthat are being designed for transition into (or out of, in the case of a service retirement) the live environment.
The scope does not include:
Responsibility for any activities or processes outside of the design stage of the service lifecycle
Responsibility for designing the detailed service solutions themselves or the production of the individual parts of the SDPs. These are the responsibility of the individual projects or service management processes.

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What is the basic concept of ITIL?
ITIL defines a lifecycle for Service Management that allows us to consider the services in a global way: rationale, design, construction, testing, deployment, upgrade, and removal. The phases of the lifecycle are the following: Strategy: Promotes the vision of Service Management as a strategic asset.#ITIL
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ITIL is a global framework designed to help improve customer experience. Learn what is ITIL certification, benefits of certification and how to get certified. ITIL is a global framework of best practices for IT service management focused on reducing risk, improving customer relations, and supporting IT environments.
Service Design, Design Coordination in ITIL, ITIL Course
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