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Indian Business Network, iiQ8, Link for registration

Kuwait City, 18th November 2020:

Indian Business Network, iiQ8, Link for registration

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Registration for Indian Business Network (IBN)
Embassy of India


Indian Business Network (IBN) is a platform envisaged and created by the Embassy of India in Kuwait to connect all Indian businesses in Kuwait, including small and medium enterprises (SMEs), across all sectors.

IBN is part of Embasy’s efforts to strengthen trade, economic, commercial and investment linkages between Indian and Kuwaiti businessmen and to promote the “Aatmanirbhar Bharat” initiative.

For any further queries, please write to us at com1.kuwait@mea.gov.in

Name *  Your answer
Passport Number *  Your answer
Civil ID Number * Your answer
Email Address * Your answer
Mobile Number * Your answer
Name of your Company/ Enterprise (Full name as per commercial registration) *

 Your answer

Business Sector
Address of your Company/Enterprise in Kuwait * Your answer
Official telephone/ fax number *

Your answer

Suggestions for improving business linkages with Kuwaiti business partners *
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PRESS RELEASE: Indian Business Network. Link for registrationhttps://forms.gle/kw9UaZ9fdzv6b7Bx9.


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