COVID-19 Updates Indians News Q8 News
COVID-19 Vaccination process in India, iiQ8, Corona Vaccination steps in India
Kuwait City, 5th January 2021:
COVID-19 Vaccination process in India, iiQ8, Corona Vaccination steps in India
Watch the video below to know more about the prescribed process for COVID-19 vaccination in India !
COVID-19 Vaccine is SAFE !
Be ready for COVID Vaccination!
Follow the prescribed process for vaccination
1. Register on Co-WIN system using a valid Photo ID
2. Beneficiary will receive SMSM messages on their registered mobile number
3. On the vaccination site, Vaccination Officer-1 (Police / NCC / NYK, etc.,) to check registration & verify Photo ID of the beneficiary
4. Vaccination Officer-2 will authenticate / verify documents on Co-WIN
5. Vaccination Officer will vaccinate the beneficiary
6. Following vaccination, all beneficiaries should wait in the observation area for 30 minutes
7. Vaccination officer 4 and 5 to ensure 30 minutes wait, monitoring and guiding the non-registered beneficiaries
8. Come for second dose of vaccine on the due date as per SMS received
Source – Ministry of Health and Family Welfare , Government of India.
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