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Kuwaiti Cabinet Holds Weekly Meeting on 13th April, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 14th April, 2021:

Kuwaiti Cabinet Holds Weekly Meeting on 13th April, iiQ8

◾️ Limited the time of Taraweeh prayer performed during Ramadan in addition Isha prayer at mosques to 15 minutes.

◾️ Banned delivering religious lectures or sermons and holding any activities at mosques after the prayers.

◾️Urged worshippers who had not inoculated yet to perform their Taraweeh prayer at home.

◾️ Banned holding iftar (fast-breaking) banquet-at mosques or at any other public or private place & allowed distribution of packaged fast-breaking meals to needy people.

◾️ Called on Citizens & Residents to adhere to social distancing rules & other coronavirus precautionary measures. Approved the MOH’s request to hire a 4th batch of Pakistani doctors, nurses & medical workers.


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