FAQ on Inner Engineering, iiQ8, Sadhguru
Frequently Asked Questions – Inner Engineering :
How are the Inner Engineering Online sessions structured?
Inner Engineering Online is a sequence of 7 sessions with Sadhguru, each consisting of 90 minutes of streamed video. Every session includes a guided meditation and concludes with an awareness exercise that empowers you to apply the tools of the course in your day-to-day life. Since the program is a step-by-step process, sessions cannot be skipped and each one needs to be watched in its entirety.
Can I rewind and re-watch the program as often as I want?
In order to offer you the experience of a live session, the options to rewind, fast-forward or watch a session again are not available. However there is a 10-second rewind if you miss something and need to hear it again. Once you complete a session, you will be systematically directed to the next one. Therefore, it is essential that you dedicate the needed time for each session without interruption.
In how many days do I have to finish Inner Engineering Online?
Starting from your registration date, you have 30 calendar days to complete the program.
Is it recommended to finish the class in one sitting or is it better to give a few days of gap between each session?
It is not necessary to finish all 7 sessions in one sitting; you can complete the program at your own pace. However, too much of a gap between sessions is not recommended as it may compromise the continuity of the course in your experience. We recommend creating dedicated time in your schedule for each session and committing to it.
Where can I find support if I have questions?
Sadhguru has addressed thousands of questions over the years. An invaluable selection of Q&A sessions is available to you through the Treasure Trove in the Bonus Videos section of the course. Questions pertaining to every session will be unlocked and available once you complete the session.
What is the difference between watching Sadhguru on YouTube and the Inner Engineering Program?
Sadhguru’s YouTube videos offer eye-opening insights on various aspects of life. Inner Engineering is an experiential step-by-step process to engineer a profound inner transformation. Unlike YouTube videos, it provides tools and methods that empower you to create your life the way you want. Though YouTube videos can be a great complement to Inner Engineering, they do not serve as a replacement to the course.
Is Inner Engineering Online available in other languages?
Besides English, Inner Engineering Online is currently offered in Hindi, Marathi, Tamil, Malayalam, Kannada, Telugu and also in Russian, Spanish, German, French and Simplified Chinese.
Do I have to attend the Inner Engineering Completion program or learn Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya?
If you wish to learn Shambhavi Mahamudra Kriya and bring in a transformative yogic practice into your daily life, you can attend the Inner Engineering Completion program after completing your Inner Engineering Online course.
What is the Treasure Trove and how do I access it?
The Treasure Trove is a collection of Q&A videos where Sadhguru answers the most frequently asked questions from the sessions, plus other additional content. You must complete the session to unlock the Treasure Trove content for that particular session. For example, you will have access to the Session 2 Q&A videos only after completing Session 2. Once you complete all 7 sessions, you will gain unlimited access to all videos.
What are the recommended computer requirements for this course?
The recommended computer requirements for this course:
Computers with Operating System: Windows 7 above all versions or Mac OS X version 10.1.5 or later and some Linux versions with standard browsers available in it.
Android Tablets and Phone (with Android Version 4.2 and above)
IOS Devices
The Inner Engineering Online course is available on the latest Sadhguru AppThe Internet Requirements for this course:
A broadband connection (DSL, Cable or Satellite) is required to effectively stream the videos with a download speed of at least 350 kbps. You can test your internet speed at bandwidthplace.com
To optimize your experience, it is recommended to have a hardwired network connection.
Supported Browser: Internet Explorer, Firefox, Google Chrome (recommended) or Safari. Google Chrome browser is the best-recommended browser as all necessary software components required for the course are built-in.
Will the course work with my wireless connection?
All the classes can be viewed via a wired or wireless internet connection. For the best video quality, we recommend watching the classes on a broadband connection.
Why is the video not starting?
Check and make sure that the system you are using to watch the video is connected to the internet.
If you have good internet connectivity and still you are not able to start the video, please clear cache, log out and login again. If the problem still persists, contact the support team at info@InnerEngineering.com or call (844) 474-2436.
Can I view the classes in full screen?
Yes, all the sessions can be viewed full screen. When you begin watching a video, click full screen option on the control bar.
Why am I experiencing a lot of breaks in the video or I hear the audio but the video is not appearing?
You will need an internet speed of at least 350 kbps to view the videos. It is recommended that you use a broadband connection (DSL, Cable, or Satellite). You can test your internet speed at bandwidthplace.com. Please contact your internet provider if you are unsure of your internet connection properties.
My screen saver keeps interrupting my class sessions. How do I disable it?
On most Windows systems you can right-click anywhere on the desktop, click on “Properties,” then click on the “Screen Saver” tab at the top of the dialog box. From there you can disable your screensaver or adjust the settings so it will not come on for over an hour. For most Mac systems, go to the Apple icon and click “System Preferences.” Under “Hardware,” click “Energy Saver.” Then set the computer and display to sleep after 1.5 hours or more, or choose “Never.”
Customer Service Phone
India: +91- 224-897-2450
Corporate/Group registrations
General Questions
For Inner Engineering Total (4-day Teacher-Led program): Contact the city closest to you.
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