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India Is Now World’s Most Populous Country

India surpasses China to become the world’s most populous nation with 142.86 crore people, says the United Nations.

India Is Now World’s Most Populous Country

According to UNFPA’s The State of World Population Report, 2023, India’s population has reached 1,428.6 million while China’s stands at 1,425.7 million, a difference of 2.9 million.


India Is Now World's Most Populous Country

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India Is Now World's Most Populous Country

Delhi | Officially we are number one. Our population is more than that of China. 68% of India’s population is in the age group of 15-65 years. This means India is a young country and we have huge talent. India is growing holistically not only population-wise but in other areas also. But there are lots of challenges, with a vast population there will be a burden on the resources and employment will be a huge issue: Dr Suresh Kumar, Medical Director, LNJP Hospital


Well actually in southern states population is declining. It’s particularly states in Ganges basin, are going in Full swing
India Is Now World's Most Populous Country
India Is Now World’s Most Populous Country

India Becomes World’s Most Populous Country:

  • Nearly 1/4th of India’s population is under the age of 14.
  • 68 per cent of the population is in the 15 to 64 age group.
  • While 7 per cent is above the age of 65.
  • India’s population is expected to keep rising for nearly three decades before it peaks at 165 crore and then would start declining.
  • The new UN report also estimated that the global population will have hit 8.045 billion by mid-2023.

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