City Bus, Kuwait Bus Route, iiQ8 bus route, Public Transport, iiq8

Kuwait Bus Route

Bus passes Kuwait Bus pass price

Bus passes Kuwait Bus pass price


An alternative to the on-bus tickets is the Bus Pass. These passes can be procured from Citybus travel shops situated at key locations around the city. These passes are substantially discounted as compared to the cash tickets and both monthly and quarterly tickets are available. They come in various denominations depending on the number of routes and the validity period of travel. To purchase a bus pass please visit any of our travel shops.

Kuwait Bus City Bus passes PRICE list with routes details


1MTH Monthly Pass – Unlimited travel on all routes, Except Airport Express & Avenues routes (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, A1, A2, A3, A4) KD 15.000
1M1R Monthly Pass – 1 Route (Not applicable on X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, A1, A2, A3, A4) KD 11.000
1DAY Daily Pass – Unlimited travel on all routes except Airport Express & Avenues routes (X1, X2, X3, X4, X5, A1, A2, A3, A4) KD 1.000
X1 Airport Pass X1 unlimited travel on all Routes(Except A1, A2, A4, A4, X2, X3, X4, X5) KD 25.000
X2 Airport Pass X2 unlimited travel on all Routes(Except A1, A2, A4, A4, X1, X3, X4, X5) KD 25.000
X3 Airport Pass X3 unlimited travel on all Routes(Except A1, A2, A4, A4, X1, X2, X4, X5) KD 25.000
X4 Airport Pass X4 unlimited travel on all Routes(Except A1, A2, A4, A4, X1, X2, X3, X5) KD 25.000
X5 Airport Pass X5 unlimited travel on all Routes(Except A1, A2, A4, A4, X1, X2, X3, X4) KD 25.000

Pass Group Routes Price
Monthly Pass Unlimited travel for all routes except Airport express  and Avenues routes KD 15.000
Weekly Pass Unlimited travel for all routes except Airport express  and Avenues routes KD 3.500
Daily Pass Unlimited travel for all routes except Airport express  and Avenues routes KD 1.000
Airport Pass X1 Unlimited travel on all Citybus routes except X2, X3, X4,X5 and Avenues Routes KD 25.000
Airport Pass X2 Unlimited travel on all Citybus routes except X1, X3, X4,X5  and Avenues Routes KD 25.000
Airport Pass X3 Unlimited travel on all Citybus routes except X1, X2, X4,X5  and Avenues Routes KD 25.000
Airport Pass X4 Unlimited travel on all Citybus routes except X1, X2, X3,X5  and Avenues Routes KD 25.000
Airport Pass X5 Unlimited travel on all Citybus routes except X1, X2, X3,X4  and Avenues Routes KD 25.000
3 Month Pass Unlimited travel on all Citybus routes for 3 months and get one additional month for free except Airport express and Avenues Routes KD 44.000


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Bus passes Kuwait Bus pass price
Bus passes Kuwait Bus pass price


Maliya 2
Sun to Thu (7 am – 10 pm)

Sun to Thu (9 am – 10 am)
Sun to Thu (9 am – 10 am)

Bus Passes

You can get your bus pass on the bus or from your nearest bus pass office. CityBus provides you with daily pass, weekly pass, monthly single route pass, monthly all routes pass, or 3 months pass.

Pass Group Name
Price (KD)
Daily Pass Unlimited travel for all routes Except Airport Express routes KD 1.000
Weekly Pass Unlimited travel for all routes Except Airport Express routes. KD 4.000
Monthly Pass–1 Route Unlimited travel on any 1 route Except Airport Express routes. KD 11.000
Monthly Pass Unlimited travel for all routes Except Airport Express routes. KD 15.000
3 Month Pass Unlimited travel on all CityBus routes for 3 months Except Airport Express routes. KD 40.000

Sun to Thu (8 am – 12 pm | 4 pm – 8 pm)
Fri (4 pm – 8 pm)

Sun to Thu (12 pm – 8 am)
Friday (3 pm – 10 pm)

Sun to Thu (12:30 pm – 8:30 pm)

Kuwait Bus Route Number 999 From Fahaheel To Maliya

Bus Pass Office Working Hours, iiQ8, CityBus Pass Office Timing 2021

Taxi from Kuwait Airport to City, CAR RENTAL COMPANIES, TAXI COMPANIES

Kuwait Bus Route Number 23A From Mirqab To Civil ID Office

Gocity GoCityKuwait go city city bus Kuwait Bus Route

Kuwait bus route PACI to Maliya, City Bus Route P1

City Bus Ticket Rates, Kuwait Bus Ticket Price

CityBus, the flagship brand of City Group Company KSCP is the first privately held public transport provider in Kuwait. Since March 8, 2002, CityBus has been transforming the face of public transport by providing modern, reliable, safe, and economical transport services to the residents of Kuwait. CityBus provides regular stage carriage services on public routes and chartered bus services for its institutional customers. It owns and operates a fleet of more than 500 air-conditioned buses, 80 of which are sustainable less carbon emission buses throughout Kuwait and has clocked more than 68 million passenger journeys.

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