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Top 50 Linux Commands | Must Know The Important Commands

Top 50 Linux Commands Every User Should Know


Whether you’re a seasoned sysadmin or a beginner Top 50 Linux Commands | Must Know The Important Commands exploring the world of Linux, mastering the command line is crucial. Linux commands are the backbone of effective system management and navigation. In this guide, we’ll cover the top 50 Linux commands you need to know, helping you streamline your workflow and boost your productivity.

1. ls

The ls command lists files and directories in the current directory. Use ls -l for detailed information and ls -a to show hidden files.

Example: ls -la

2. cd

Change directories with cd. Use cd .. to move up one level and cd ~ to return to your home directory.

Example: cd /var/log

3. pwd

Print Working Directory (pwd) shows the full path of your current directory.

Example: pwd

4. mkdir

Create new directories with mkdir. Use mkdir -p to create parent directories as needed.

Example: mkdir new_folder

5. rmdir

Remove empty directories using rmdir. For directories with contents, use rm -r.

Example: rmdir old_folder

6. rm

Delete files and directories with rm. Use rm -rf to remove directories and their contents forcefully.

Example: rm file.txt

7. cp

Copy files and directories with cp. Use cp -r for recursive copying of directories.

Example: cp source.txt destination.txt

8. mv

Move or rename files and directories using mv.

Example: mv old_name.txt new_name.txt

9. cat

Concatenate and display file contents with cat. Use cat -n to number the lines.

Example: cat file.txt

10. grep

Search within files using grep. Use grep -r to search recursively in directories.

Example: grep 'search_term' file.txt

11. find

Locate files and directories with find. Use find /path -name filename to search by name.

Example: find /home/user -name '*.txt'

12. locate

Quickly find files with locate. It relies on a database that is updated periodically.

Example: locate filename

13. man

Access the manual pages of commands with man. Use man -k to search for commands related to a keyword.

Example: man ls

14. top

Display real-time system information and resource usage with top. Use htop for a more user-friendly interface.

Example: top

15. ps

View currently running processes with ps. Use ps aux for detailed information.

Example: ps aux


Top 50 Linux Commands | Must Know The Important Commands


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16. kill

Terminate processes with kill. Use kill -9 for a forceful termination.

Example: kill PID

17. chmod

Change file permissions with chmod. Use chmod +x to make a script executable.

Example: chmod 755 script.sh

18. chown

Change file ownership with chown. Use chown user:group file to specify user and group.

Example: chown user:group file.txt

19. df

Display disk space usage with df. Use df -h for human-readable format.

Example: df -h

20. du

Estimate file and directory space usage with du. Use du -sh for a summary.

Example: du -sh /home/user

21. tar

Archive files and directories with tar. Use tar -xzf to extract gzipped archives.

Example: tar -czf archive.tar.gz /path/to/dir

22. gzip

Compress files with gzip. Use gunzip to decompress files.

Example: gzip file.txt

23. bzip2

Compress files with bzip2. Use bunzip2 to decompress files.

Example: bzip2 file.txt

24. wget

Download files from the web with wget. Use wget -r for recursive downloads.

Example: wget http://example.com/file.txt

25. curl

Transfer data from or to a server with curl. Use curl -O to download files.

Example: curl -O http://example.com/file.txt

26. nano

Edit files in the terminal with nano. Use nano -c to display line numbers.

Example: nano file.txt

27. vim

A powerful text editor, vim offers advanced editing features. Use vim file.txt to open a file.

Example: vim file.txt

28. history

View command history with history. Use !number to repeat a specific command.

Example: history

29. alias

Create shortcuts for commands with alias. Use unalias to remove an alias.

Example: alias ll='ls -la'

30. ssh

Securely connect to remote servers with ssh. Use ssh user@host to log in.

Example: ssh user@remote_host

31. scp

Securely copy files between hosts with scp. Use scp -r for recursive copying.

Example: scp file.txt user@remote_host:/path/to/destination

32. rsync

Sync files and directories between locations with rsync. Use rsync -av for archive mode and verbose output.

Example: rsync -av source/ destination/

33. crontab

Schedule tasks with crontab. Use crontab -e to edit the cron jobs.

Example: crontab -e

34. at

Schedule tasks for one-time execution with at. Use at now + 1 minute to run a command in a minute.

Example: echo 'shutdown now' | at now + 1 minute

35. uptime

Display system uptime with uptime. It also shows load averages.


Top 50 Linux Commands | Must Know The Important Commands

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Example: uptime

36. free

Check memory usage with free. Use free -h for a human-readable format.

Example: free -h

37. uname

Display system information with uname. Use uname -a for detailed information.

Example: uname -a

38. echo

Display messages or output variables with echo.

Example: echo 'Hello, World!'

39. sed

Stream editor for filtering and transforming text with sed. Use sed -i to edit files in place.

Example: sed 's/old/new/g' file.txt


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40. awk

Pattern scanning and processing language with awk. Use it for text and data manipulation.

Example: awk '{print $1}' file.txt

41. diff

Compare files line by line with diff. Use diff -u for unified format.

Example: diff file1.txt file2.txt

42. sort

Sort lines of text files with sort. Use sort -r for reverse order.

Example: sort file.txt

43. cut

Remove sections from each line of files with cut. Use cut -d to specify a delimiter.

Example: cut -d':' -f1 file.txt

44. head

Display the beginning of a file with head. Use head -n to specify the number of lines.

Example: head -n 10 file.txt

45. tail

Display the end of a file with tail. Use tail -f to follow file changes in real-time.

Example: tail -f log.txt

46. wc

Count lines, words, and characters in files with wc. Use wc -l to count lines.

Example: wc -l file.txt

47. findmnt

Find mounted filesystems with findmnt. Use findmnt -l for a list format.

Example: findmnt

48. mount

Mount filesystems with mount. Use mount -a to mount all filesystems listed in /etc/fstab.

Example: mount /dev/sda1 /mnt

49. umount

Unmount filesystems with umount. Use umount followed by the mount point or device.

Example: umount /mnt

50. shutdown

Shutdown or restart the system with shutdown. Use shutdown -h now to halt the system immediately

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