Kuwait-International-Airport. iiq8, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Kuwait Airport impose new Airport Service Fees for Departure & Arrival, iiQ8,

Kuwait City, 31st January 2021: Kuwait Airport impose new Airport Service Fees for Departure & Arrival, iiQ8, Kuwait Director General of Civil Aviation: KD 3/- Fees For Departure, KD 2/- for Arrival From 1st June, 2021. State Minister for Housing Affairs & State Minister for Services Affairs Abdullah Marafi on...

COVID-19 UpdatesIndians NewsQ8 News

Indian DGCA suspended flights till 28th February, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 30th January 2021: Indian DGCA suspended flights till 28th February, iiQ8 Indian Director of General Civil Aviation - extended the suspension of international flights till 28th February, 2021. The coronavirus-induced suspension of scheduled international passenger flights has been extended till February 28, aviation regulator DGCA said on Thursday....

covid 19 vaccine, corona virus , iiq8

Indians NewsQ8 News

UN Secretary General’s Comment on Vaccine from India, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 29th January 2021: UN Secretary General's Comment on Vaccine from India, iiQ8 @UN Secretary General - @antonioguterres - "I think that #India's (#vaccine) production capacity is one of the best assets the world has today and I hope the world understands that it must be used fully". @MEAIndia...

Logo for Indian in Q8 820-312 Hor, iiQ8, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Resource Persons required in Embassy, iiQ8, Indian Embassy

Kuwait City, 29th January 2021: Resource Persons required in Embassy, iiQ8, Indian Embassy Resource Persons for Indian Language Classes iiQ8 News Resource Persons required in Embassy, iiQ8, Indian Embassy Indian Embassy Request for proposal (RFP) for Outsourcing of Services, iiQ8 28th January 2021, Kuwait Corona Update, iiQ8, COVID-19 2nd March...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Indian Embassy Request for proposal (RFP) for Outsourcing of Services, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 29th January 2021: Indian Embassy Request for proposal (RFP) for Outsourcing of Services, iiQ8   Click the below link for RFP https://indembkwt.gov.in/pdf/RFP.pdf   iiQ8 News 28th January 2021, Kuwait Corona Update, iiQ8, COVID-19 2nd March is deadline to rectify illegal residents status, iiQ8, MOI announced Civil ID card...

in Flag, iiQ8, indianinQ8, Indian Flag

Indians NewsQ8 News

Happy Republic Day 2021 to all Indians, iiQ8, indianinQ8

Kuwait City, 26th January 2021: Happy Republic Day 2021 to all Indians, iiQ8 Happy Republic Day! to all the  Indian community May this Republic Day lend each and every heart great spirits and love for the country Happy Republic Day 2021 Wishes  : Every year on January 26, India celebrates its Republic...

Logo for Indian in Q8 820-312 Hor, iiQ8, indianinQ8

COVID-19 UpdatesIndians News

COVID19 Vaccination Status as on 22nd January, iiQ8, India Corona Vaccination

#IndiaFightsCorona: #COVID19 Vaccination Tracker (upto 22nd January, 2021 till 06:00 PM) All-India beneficiaries vaccinated: 12,72,097 #We4Vaccine #LargestVaccinationDrive iiQ8 News COVID19 Vaccination Status as on 22nd January, iiQ8, India Corona Vaccination India is one of the world’s largest vaccine producers, iiQ8 22nd January 2021, Kuwait Corona Update, iiQ8, COVID-19 50 KD...

in Flag, iiQ8, indianinQ8, Indian Flag

Indians News

India is one of the world’s largest vaccine producers, iiQ8

India is one of the world’s largest vaccine producers, iiQ8   In this post, India is one of the world’s largest vaccine producers, iiQ8   Kuwait City, 23rd January 2021: India is one of the world’s largest vaccine producers, iiQ8   As ‘Pharmacy of the World’, India is committed to...

us Flag, iiQ8, indianinQ8, usa flag

Indians NewsQ8 News

US President Joe Biden signs series of Orders, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 22nd January 2021: US President Joe Biden signs series of Orders, iiQ8 United States of America President Joe Biden signs series of orders ■ Declaration that the US is rejoining Paris climate accord. ■ Declaration that the US is rejoining World Health Organization. ■ Ethical standards for his...

Vaccine, iiQ8, COVID-19 Vaccine, Flue Vaccine, Exapts

COVID-19 UpdatesIndians News

COVID19 Vaccination Status as on 20th January, iiQ8, India Corona Vaccination

Kuwait City, 21st January 2021: COVID19 Vaccination Status as on 20th January, iiQ8, India Corona Vaccination 📍#COVID19 Vaccination Status (as on 20th January, 2021 till 06:00 PM) 💉Total no. of people vaccinated so far ➡️7,86,842 💉No. of people vaccinated (on 20th January, 2021) ➡️1,12,007 #Unite2FightCorona #StaySafe #IndiaFightsCorona iiQ8 News COVID19...

Vaccine, iiQ8, COVID-19 Vaccine, Flue Vaccine, Exapts

COVID-19 UpdatesIndians News

COVID19 Vaccination Status as on 20th January, JobsinQ8, India Corona Vaccination

Kuwait City, 21st January 2021: COVID19 Vaccination Status as on 20th January, JobsinQ8, India Corona Vaccination 📍#COVID19 Vaccination Status (as on 20th January, 2021 till 06:00 PM) 💉Total no. of people vaccinated so far ➡️7,86,842 💉No. of people vaccinated (on 20th January, 2021) ➡️1,12,007 #Unite2FightCorona #StaySafe #IndiaFightsCorona JobsinQ8 News COVID19...

in Flag, iiQ8, indianinQ8, Indian Flag

Indians NewsQ8 News

India starts coronavirus vaccine exports to low, middle-income countries, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 20th January 2021: India starts coronavirus vaccine exports to low, middle-income countries, iiQ8 Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and the Seychelles are also expected to get the shots from the world’s biggest vaccine making country. India started exporting coronavirus shots on Wednesday with a shipment to the neighbouring Himalayan...

in Flag, iiQ8, indianinQ8, Indian Flag

Indians NewsQ8 News

India starts coronavirus vaccine exports to low, middle-income countries, JobsinQ8

Kuwait City, 20th January 2021: India starts coronavirus vaccine exports to low, middle-income countries, JobsinQ8 Maldives, Bangladesh, Nepal, Myanmar and the Seychelles are also expected to get the shots from the world’s biggest vaccine making country. India started exporting coronavirus shots on Wednesday with a shipment to the neighbouring Himalayan...

Logo for Indian in Q8 820-312 Hor, iiQ8, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Recruitment of maids started in Kuwait, iiQ8 – from PH, IN, SL, NPL & BNG

Kuwait City, 17th January 2021: Recruitment of maids started in Kuwait, iiQ8, from Philippines, India, SriLanka, Nepal and Bangladesh Recruitment of maids from Philippines, India, SriLanka, Nepal and Bangladesh begins The recruitment of new domestic workers will start from Sunday 17th January 2021, Kuwaiti citizens will apply through domestic labor...

Logo for Indian in Q8 820-312 Hor, iiQ8, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Recruitment of maids started in Kuwait, JobsinQ8 – from PH, IN, SL, NPL & BNG

Kuwait City, 17th January 2021: Recruitment of maids started in Kuwait, JobsinQ8, from Philippines, India, SriLanka, Nepal and Bangladesh Recruitment of maids from Philippines, India, SriLanka, Nepal and Bangladesh begins The recruitment of new domestic workers will start from Sunday 17th January 2021, Kuwaiti citizens will apply through domestic labor...

PM Narendra Modi, iiQ8, indian news, PM MODI

Indians News

PM Modi launches pan India rollout of COVID-19 vaccination drive, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 16th January 2021: Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launches pan India rollout of COVID-19 vaccination drive. Prime Minister's Office PM Launches pan India rollout of COVID-19 vaccination drive Indian response to corona is one of self-confidence and self-reliance: PM World hasn’t seen vaccination drive of this level...

PM Narendra Modi, iiQ8, indian news, PM MODI

Indians News

PM Modi launches pan India rollout of COVID-19 vaccination drive, JobsinQ8

Kuwait City, 16th January 2021: Hon'ble Prime Minister Shri Narendra Modi launches pan India rollout of COVID-19 vaccination drive. Prime Minister's Office PM Launches pan India rollout of COVID-19 vaccination drive Indian response to corona is one of self-confidence and self-reliance: PM World hasn’t seen vaccination drive of this level...

IT Business /Systems Analyst, Alghanim Careers, iiQ8 Job vacancies

Indians NewsQ8 News

60th Anniversary Logo Design Contest by Embassy, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 16th January 2021: 60th Anniversary Logo Design Contest by Embassy, iiQ8   iiQ8 News Indian Embassy call people to be aware of fraudulent calls, iiQ8 15th January 2021, Kuwait Corona Update, iiQ8, COVID-19 New System for Renewal of work permit for Expats, iiQ8 Corona Passport will be given...

IT Business /Systems Analyst, Alghanim Careers, iiQ8 Job vacancies

Indians NewsQ8 News

60th Anniversary Logo Design Contest by Embassy, JobsinQ8

Kuwait City, 16th January 2021: 60th Anniversary Logo Design Contest by Embassy, JobsinQ8   JobsinQ8 News Indian Embassy call people to be aware of fraudulent calls, JobsinQ8 15th January 2021, Kuwait Corona Update, JobsinQ8, COVID-19 New System for Renewal of work permit for Expats, JobsinQ8 Corona Passport will be given...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Indian Embassy call people to be aware of fraudulent calls, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 16th January 2021: Indian Embassy call people to be aware of fraudulent calls, iiQ8 iiQ8 News 15th January 2021, Kuwait Corona Update, iiQ8, COVID-19 New System for Renewal of work permit for Expats, iiQ8 Corona Passport will be given after 2 Dose vaccine, iiQ8 Indian Kuwait pack moving...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Indian Embassy call people to be aware of fraudulent calls, JobsinQ8

Kuwait City, 16th January 2021: Indian Embassy call people to be aware of fraudulent calls, JobsinQ8 JobsinQ8 News 15th January 2021, Kuwait Corona Update, JobsinQ8, COVID-19 New System for Renewal of work permit for Expats, JobsinQ8 Corona Passport will be given after 2 Dose vaccine, JobsinQ8 Indian Kuwait pack moving...