City Bus, Kuwait Bus Route, iiQ8 bus route, Public Transport, iiq8

Q8 News Kuwait Bus Route

CityBus Updated information, Kuwait Public Transport, iiQ8, KuwaitBusRoute

CityBus Updated information, Kuwait Public Transport, iiQ8, KuwaitBusRoute

Kuwait City, 12th August, 2020:

City Bus Group, Kuwait announced on 11th August, 2020 as below ……

عملائنا الأعزاء ⁠
نظرًا لتعليق جميع خدمات الباصات في الكويت حتى إشعار آخر ، سيتي باص تضمن لجميع العملاء الذين اشتركوا في الاشتراك الأسبوعي او الشهري ا وثلاثة أشهر ان يتم إضافة الأيام التي تم ايقاف الخدمه فيها بمجرد استئناف الخدمه.⁠

Dear valued customers,⁠

Due to the suspension of all Bus services in Kuwait until further notice, CityBus will ensure that all customers who have subscribed to our weekly, monthly and three month passes with days outstanding will have the remaining days added to their subscription once bus services resume operation

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3 Months jail with KD 5,000 fine for those who break home quarantine

Only 1 Year to renew residence for the above age 60 years , iiQ8

5 year residence for expats and 10 years for expat businessmen, iiQ8

New residency bill in Kuwait – KD 4 fine daily for violation, KD 10 for overstay, iiQ8

12 Additional Flights to India, apart from Vande Bharat Flights, iiQ8

Question from Passenger : When will the Bus start ?

Answer from CityBus Customer support via Social Media as below.

CityBus Support Reply iiQ8 indianinq8 Kuwait Bus Route

CityBus Public Transport ready to start ? KGL, KPTC, City Bus, iiQ8

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