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Continual Service Improvement in Activities and Concepts ITIL, ITIL Course

Continual Service Improvement in Activities and Concepts ITIL, ITIL Course


Continual Service Improvement

Activities and Concepts Continual Service Improvement in Activities and Concepts ITIL, ITIL Course


In ITIL®, improvement  becomes  a process within IT with defined activities,  inputs, outputs, roles and reporting.


It is essential that during CSI, ITSM processes are developed and deployed as well as develop an ongoing continual improvement strategy for each of the processes and services. These deliverables must be reviewed on an ongoing basis.

The activities performed during the Continual Service Improvement are:

•   Review management information
•   Analyze trends
•   Produce/analyze SLA reports
•   Conduct maturity assessments
•   Conduct internal audits
•   Conduct customer satisfaction surveys
•   Conduct external and internal Service reviews to identify CSI opportunities


CSI Manager
•   Responsible for the success of all improvement activities
•   Defines, monitors, analyzes and reports on KPIs and CSFs in cooperation with SLM
•   Coordinates CSI activities throughout lifecycle
•   Prioritizes improvement opportunities
•   Leads, manages and delivers improvement projects


The Service Lifecycle ITIL, information technology infrastructure library

Continual Service Improvement in Activities and Concepts ITIL, ITIL Course


Service Owner
•   Accountable for a specific service within an organization
•   Responsible for continual improvement and management of change
•   A primary  stakeholder  in all of the underlying  IT processes  which  enable  or support the service they own
•   Close cooperation with SLM and CSI Manager


It is important to provide improvement opportunities through out the Service lifecycle. The Service Portfolio is the connection between all lifecycles stages:
•              CSI  relation   with  Service   Strategy:   Improvement   opportunities   driven   by external factors such as new security or regulatory requirements

•              CSI relation with Service Design: Defines the need for CSFs, KPIs and metrics on services.

•              CSI  relation  with  Service  Transition:  Transition  to new  or  changed  services provide opportunities for improvement in terms of knowledge, metrics, communication and management.

•              CSI  relation  with  Service  Operation:  Identifies  areas  for  improvement  within operational  services within the organization,  which involves people processes and IT infrastructure.


Inputs and Outputs

There is a systematic sequence of inputs and outputs in the Service lifecycles.

Each  lifecycle  will  produce  inputs  to  the  next  lifecycle  and  as  a  result  the  latter lifecycle will produce feedbacks or outputs to the former lifecycle. This consistency in results can help CSI identify the strengths and weaknesses throughout the lifecycle stages and find opportunities for improvements.

Interface  with Service  Level Management

Interface with Service Level Management (SLM) are described as follows:

•   Service Level Management (SLM)is a key principle of CSI, thus is compulsory to the lifecycle

•   SLM initiates Service Improvement Programs and Service Quality Plans

•   Monitoring and measuring is a joint responsibility of SLM and CSI

•   SLM effort  is about  building  and maintaining  better  relationships  between  IT and its Customers

Within Service Design, Service Level Management is concerned with:

•   Designing and planning the process

•   Determining Service Level Requirements(SLRs)

•   Negotiating and agreeing up on SLAs, OLAs and UCs

Within CSI, Service Level Management is concerned with:
•   Monitoring (executed within Service Operation)
•    Reporting
•    Evaluating
•    Improving

Service  Improvement  Plans  are  formal  plans  to  implement  improvements  to  a process or service. They are used to ensure that improvement actions are identified and  carried  out on a regular  basis.  The  identified  improvements  may  come  as a result of:

•   Breaches of Service Level Agreements
•   Identification of user training and documentation issues
•   Weak system testing
•   Identified weak areas within internal and external support groups

Risk Management

Risk   Management   aims   to   support    better  decision-making   through   a   good understanding of risks and their likely impact.

Risk analysis
•              Gathering information about exposure to risk so that the organization can make better decision-making and manage risk appropriately

Risk management
•              Having processes to monitor risks, access to reliable and updated information about risks as well as appropriately create balance and control risks.

A risk is the chance that a certain asset stops performing its function or value due to a threat.

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