Continual Service Improvement itil, information technology infrastructure library

Continual Service Improvement itil, information technology infrastructure library

Continual Service Improvement itil, information technology infrastructure library 
 Focus on Process owners and Service Owners
 Ensures that service management processes continue to support the business

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Continual Service Improvement itil, information technology infrastructure library

 Monitor and enhance Service Level Achievements
 Plan – do –check – act  (Deming)
Continual Service Improvement itil, information technology infrastructure library

Processes: ITIL Continual Service Improvement
CSI continually improves the effectiveness and efficiency of services and processes.

ITIL V3 defines one process in the CSI stage of the service lifecycle: The “Seven-Step Improvement Process”. These seven steps describe a generic approach to continual improvement that can be applied in many situations, rather than a process that organizations would implement in practice. Specific CSI methods and techniques are mostly discussed in other parts of the ITIL CSI publication.

Continual Service Improvement itil, information technology infrastructure library


Therefore, organizations seeking to introduce an ITIL-aligned Continual Service Improvement (CSI) process (see fig. “ITIL CSI”) will typically define a set of service improvement processes to ensure that ideas for improvement are identified and implemented, as described below:

Service Review
Process Objective: To review business services and infrastructure services on a regular basis. The aim of this process is to improve service quality where necessary, and to identify more economical ways of providing a service where possible.
Process Evaluation
Process Objective: To evaluate processes on a regular basis. This includes identifying areas where the targeted process metrics are not reached, and holding regular benchmarkings, audits, maturity assessments and reviews.
Definition of CSI Initiatives
Process Objective: To define specific initiatives aimed at improving services and processes, based on the results of service reviews and process evaluations. The resulting initiatives are either internal initiatives pursued by the service provider on his own behalf, or initiatives which require the customer’s cooperation.
Monitoring of CSI Initiatives
Process Objective: To verify if improvement initiatives are proceeding according to plan, and to introduce corrective measures where necessary.

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