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Daily Activities / tasks in SAP | iiQ8

Daily Activities / tasks in SAP


Daily Tasks Daily Activities / tasks in SAP

1. Check all SAP systems UP & Running fine
2. Check all database backup operation results
3. Check Operating System / DataBase / SAP system logs
4. Check CCMS alerts
5. Check all workprocess status
6. Check background jobs status
7. Check the lock table and failed updates
8. Check user operations such as failed logon and locked users
9. Check SAPDBA calendar status
10. Check Dump status
11. Check response time , CPU and memory usage
12. Check SAP performance and usage issues
13. Check database performance
14. Check database free space
15. Check archive directory status
Daily Activities / tasks in SAP

Perform Daily Tasks

Daily Activities / tasks in SAP

A service agent’s day consists of any tasks that contribute to a first-class service experience for their customers. This may include:

  • Reviewing and prioritizing outstanding tickets
  • Checking their queue or their team queue for incoming tickets
  • Taking customer calls and creating new tickets
  • Resolving issues that can be managed by phone or by providing information, such as a knowledge base article
  • For issues that require field service, schedule service and allocate resources
  • Ensuring tickets are closed in a timely manner, following up with customers to ensure resolution.
Daily Activities / tasks in SAP

We’re almost at the end of the Day in the Life of a Service Agent. Before they leave for the day, they can prepare for the next day by checking remaining and open tickets one more time.

They now have a weather widget that allows them to check the weather and make sure there are no alerts for tomorrow’s service calls. Finally, they can finish the day by scheduling any final customer site visits for the next day.

Daily Activities / tasks in SAP



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