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Females Can Sponsor Family Visa Kuwait | iiQ8 News

Females Can Sponsor Family Visa Kuwait


Kuwait City, 2nd February 2024: Females Can Sponsor Family Visa Kuwait.

Ministry of Kuwait – As per the Kuwait Labor Law – The primary sponsor for his spouse and children is the father. To qualify as a sponsor for his child and wife, the father’s salary cap should be minimum KD. 800/- per month, he needs to be a university graduate and his job should align with the qualifications.

Those born in Kuwait, and those born outside the country to parents who are working in Kuwait and whose age does not exceed five years old are excluded from the new rule of salary requirement, this decision is taken on humanitarian grounds.

Mothers can sponsor their children on dependent / family visas provided their salary cap is KD 800/- per month mentioned on the work permit only.

The Conditions are as below
If the husband is deceased or
If the husband is divorced or
If the husband has left the country for good leaving his wife and kids behind.

Those working in the below profession are excluded from the university degree requirement.


Females Can Sponsor Family Visa Kuwait


The professions stipulated in Article 30 of Ministerial Resolution No. 957/2019 are:


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– Advisors, judges, prosecutors, experts, and legal researchers in the government sector

– Doctors and pharmacists

– Professors in universities, colleges, and higher institutes

– School principals, deputies, educational mentors, teachers, social workers, and laboratory technicians in the government sector

– University financial and economic advisors

– Engineers

– Imams, preachers, muezzins in mosques, and memorizers of the Holy Qur’an

– Librarians in government agencies and private universities

– Ministry of Health employees, including nurses, paramedics those holding medical technical positions in various specializations, and those working in the field of social service

– Social workers and psychologists in the government sector

– Journalists, media professionals and correspondents

– Coaches and players in the federation and sports clubs

– Pilots and flight attendants

– Preparers of the dead and those responsible for burying them.

Females Can Sponsor Family Visa Kuwait There are two constraints associated with the dependent visa. A wife working in the private sector cannot sponsor her husband. Furthermore, once a son reaches the age of 21, he becomes ineligible to remain under his parents’ visa.

Kuwait opens Family Visa, Minimum Salary 800 KD, New Rules

Females Can Sponsor Family Visa Kuwait

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