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Gramin Dak Sevaks Registration, Fee and Application | iiQ8 Frequently Asked Questions and Answers for GDS
Gramin Dak Sevaks Registration, Fee and Application
I wish to apply for Gramin Dak Sevaks. I am unable to find the link Gramin Dak Sevaks Registration
Candidates can Register in the website for applying to any division of any circle. Candidate can “Apply Online” only when the particular schedule of notification issued for all the circles. Generally, the schedule of notifications will be in twice in a year January and July. For the upcoming notifications, details are available in the website.
India Post is an Indian government-operated postal system in India, and is the trade name of the Department of Post under the Ministry of Communications. Generally known as the Post Office, it is the most widely distributed postal system in the world, and India is the country that has the largest.
I have registered for the post of Gramin Dak Sevaks. Where do I find the status of my application?
On Registration into the site, candidate gets a Registration number. With the registration number candidate can login and can view the status of submitted application. The Registration number is valid for the two schedules of the notification in a calendar year i.e with the same registration number candidate can apply two schedules in a year and the status of application can also be found by giving registration number in the candidate portal.
While registering, I have entered wrong Name/Father Name/Date of Birth/gender. Can I edit my details?
Candidates need to enter Name, Father name and Date of Birth, Gender as per 10th class marks memo (which is qualifying examination). Deviation to this is liable for rejection of candidature.
However, an option will be provided on the portal to edit the application of the candidate. This edit option will be made live for 3 days after the last date of application is over. Only during that period, candidates will be able to edit their application. Editing will be allowed only once.
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While Registering, I have entered wrong mobile number. Can I change my mobile number?
Registration of Mobile Number once made could not be changed for the scheduled notification. For the purpose of registering, an OTP confirmation is made before registration. Hence, the registered mobile is permanent for the registration which cannot be modified.
While registering, I have entered wrong email ID. Can I change my email ID?
Registration of email ID once made could not be changed for the scheduled notification. For the purpose of registering, an OTP confirmation is made before registration hence, the registered email is permanent for the registration which cannot be modified.
Is it necessary to upload any documents at the time of registration?
No. Candidate need not upload any documents for submission of online application except photograph and signature for the purpose the photograph and signature should be in ‘.JPG’ or ‘.JPEG’ format not exceeding 50kb for Photograph and 20kb for signature.
Gramin Dak Sevaks Registration India Post GDS Results 2024: Circle-wise Merit List & Cut Off Marks | iiQ8
I want to Register but my State/Boards are not available for Registration.
Usually, all the states and boards are made available for registration. But in some cases, for the administrative reasons some states/boards may not be available. You may contact respective circle administration help desk for further details.
I am not able to register with the given mobile number.
Only one mobile number is mapped to one registration number. This should be of candidate. The same mobile number cannot be used for other registration. The same candidate also should not register twice.
I have registered with correct mobile number but OTPs are not being received to my mobile.
OTP will be sent automatically by the system. Mobile number having KYC compliance will only receive the SMS. Please checkup with mobile service provider. Candidate should ensure that he/she should not register with DND (Do not disturb) service with mobile service provider which blocks all promotional calls and messages.
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I am not able to submit my registration details. Instead, the page is redirected to Homepage?
While Registering, Candidate should not open multiple tabs/browsers in the same system and also ensure that the cookies and saved passwords are deleted from the history before submission of Registration details.
I made a mistake in the stage of Registration. Is it possible to edit?
Edit option will be enabled to only those applicants who have successfully submitted the application. As such applicants are advised to submit the application completely. This edit option will be made live for 3 days after the last date of application is over as mentioned in the notification. Only during that period, candidates are allowed to edit their application which includes any changes required in registration stage . Editing will be allowed only once.
Fee Related
What is the Fee Payable and how can I make Fee Payment?
Only Male (OBC/General) candidates need to make a Fee Payment of Rs. 100/-. Fee payment can be made through online mode through the link available in the home page.
Are there any charges for fee payment?
Candidates can make payments through online using Debit card/Credit Card/Internet banking/UPI. The following are the charges for debit card/credit card/internet banking.
Mode of Payment Charges
Debit Card Nil upto Rs 2000/-
Credit Card 1% of the transaction amount
Internet Banking Rs 10/- per transaction
UPI Payment Nil upto Rs.10000/-
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I have paid excess fee. How can I get the refund?
The Fee once paid cannot be refunded. Hence ensure that any excess/in eligible fees are not paid by the candidates. In case of online payment, if confirmation is not received after the deduction of amount from candidate’s bank, these candidates can await upto72 Hours for settlement. The status of settlement can be viewed through the link Fee details provided in the Homepage. However, the system ensures non acceptance of double payment for the same registration number.
I have made online fee payment but I’m not eligible to apply for the GDS post. How can I get my fee refunded?
The Fee once made is not refundable. Hence, the candidate should ensure that he/she is eligible (having prescribed age as per the notification, qualified 10th class from approved boards and having all necessary certificates ready for submission etc.,) for the post before making fee payment.
Apply Online Related
I have forgotten my registration number. Where can I get my registration details?
Candidate can get the registration details through Forgot Registration link provided in home page.
I’m not able to change the details of Name/Father Name/DOB/Gender.
The details provided at the time of registration will automatically populate here. No corrections are allowed in these details.
I have different addresses temporary/permanent. How can I enter my address?
Two address portions are provided for temporary/permanent address data entry. In case of both the addresses are same, candidate can copy the same address by clicking the checkbox provided. No special characters (like /,*,&,# etc) are allowed in address data. Candidate can make use of dot (.), comma (,), Hyphen (-) for replacing such special characters. Candidate should provide correct address to receive the correspondence from the department. Letters will be sent to present address.
Department will not be responsible for non-receipt of communication due to incorrect address given by the candidate.
Gramin Dak Sevaks Registration, Fee and Application | iiQ8
Can I apply for some posts in One Division and some posts in another Division?
Candidate cannot apply different Divisions in single scheduled notification. Any candidate can apply to any one of the Division basing up on the eligibility by selecting one Division the candidate will have the choice of applying to all the eligible posts that are vacant irrespective of any maximum ceiling. But, without opting for a preference the post will not be considered as opted by the candidate.
Gramin Dak Sevaks Registration
How can I give preferences to the eligible vacant posts?
By opting one Division the candidate will be eligible for applying to all the notified posts subject to the eligibility like age, community and other reservations. Candidate can give choice of option for each post as a preference number which facilitates the allocation of posting in case of selection. Here, if the preference is not given it will be treated as the post is not opted by the candidate. Hence, will not be considered for that particular vacancy. The preference is to be exercised as a number like 1 to 100 where 1 stands for highest preference and 100 stands for lowest preference. While giving the choices, the continuity of Serial Number is to be maintained i.e.if preferences are being given for 5 choices, preference number should be given as 1,2,3,4,5 without any omission of serial number. The preferences can be given against any choice of eligible posts for which the page navigation is provided. Also, candidate can download the eligible post into an excel sheet for working out the preferences later the same can be updated in the portal.
I wish to apply for the post of GraminDakSevaks. But I am unable to find all posts that are notified in my division in the dropdown menu.
Only the eligible posts with reference to the candidate’s eligibility (w.r.t community/reservations/age etc.,) will only be displayed to the candidate.
Where can I reprint my submitted application form /check the status of submitted application?
On successful data entry of required information like General information, Submission of marks, Selection of posts, a preview is provided for verification purpose to the candidate. After satisfying the details submitted by the candidate, necessary undertakings are to be declared by the candidate. Now, the candidate can take the printout of submitted application and keep it for further reference. In case the submitted application is not printed at the first stage, the same application can be viewed / reprinted in the Application status option provided in the homepage through the candidate login option. This data is available only for the live schedule applications.
I want to Apply for the other circles but the circle names are not visible in the list for applying online.
After successful registration, candidate can apply to any one Division in any of the circle. However, the visibility of the circle is dependent on the mandatory language study at 10 class level for the circle which he/she wants to apply. The mandatory language to be studied for each circle is mentioned in the notification
I could able to successfully register and made a fee payment. But could not able to submit application with a message ineligible age.
The fee collection will be validated w.r.t the maximum age for submission of application and there will not be any acceptance of fee if the candidate is ineligible.
I am not able to find the board and year of pass of my pass certificate to enter the marks.
The board details are configured as per the Board information obtained by the respective Circles. In case of some boards if the subjects are optional, those subject marks entry may not be required. Similarly, the board configuration is dependent on year of pass and basing on that only the board configuration will appear for marks entry. In case of board or year of pass of the candidate is not available, they can refer the same to the respective Circle for necessary solution. Under any circumstances the marks should not be entered inappropriate board which is liable for rejection.
I’m not able to find my application status before release of results.
The process of submission of application is in 2 or 3 stages depending upon fee payment.
Stage 1. Registration of Candidate with basic details for getting registration number.
Stage 2. Submission of online application in 2 Steps.
Step a. Fill Application
Step b. Submit Post Preferences
Stage 3. Payment of Fee through online in respect of Fee payable candidates
An application is treated to be successfully submitted if it fulfills all the above stages. An option to save the progress is provided in every stage of submission of application. Stopping of application submission at any above-mentioned stages, will be treated as non-submission of application and all such applications are not available for viewing the status and to take reprint. In other words, partial submission of application doesn’t provide any right to the candidate in respect of submission of application. Hence candidate should fill in the application completely and take a printout after a thorough preview of details fed.
Whether I need to submit the hard copy of the print out taken after submitting the online application to any of the postal authorities?
There is no need of submission of any physical application/CV/Resume etc., to any postal authorities. The applications are to be submitted online through the portal only. The candidate need not / should not do any correspondence with any postal authorities in respect of the submitted application. Similarly, the department will not do any correspondence with the candidate through phone /email etc. Hence candidate should be aware of scrupulous calls and persons in this regard. Only confirmation SMS after registration, Fee payment, Selection and OTPs will only be received to the registered mobile number from the system automatically from Sender ID-INDIAPOST
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I have given preference to the posts. How would my selection be made?
Selection will be made basing on the Merit cum Post Preference basis from the Division Merit List community/ category reservation wise and the highest merit candidate will be accommodated to his best choice of preference. Subsequently the next meritorious candidate will also be offered a post of his best choice if otherwise the post is not opted and allotted to the better meritorious candidate. The candidate will only be considered for the posts to which the preference has given. If the preference is not given to any post he/she will not be offered to that post. Similarly, the choice of offer will be retained to the best preferences given to the extent possible till finalization of selection list release. Hence, it is suggested to exercise the maximum number of preferences preferably to all vacancies to be exercised by the candidate to retain the merit and allocation of posting.
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