How to configure SAP GUI Client


How to configure SAP GUI Client ? iiQ8

How to configure SAP GUI Client ?


Configuring SAP GUI for Windows – How to configure SAP GUI Client ? iiQ8


Use this procedure to configure the SAP GUI client to use SNC Client Encryption to connect to a particular SAP NetWeaver Application Server (AS) ABAP system.


  1. Start SAP Logon.

    The default path is   Start   Programs   SAP Front End   SAP Logon  .

  2. Select a connection and choose Edit (Edit).

  3. In the System Entry Properties dialog box, choose the Network tab.

  4. Select the Activate Secure Network Communication checkbox.

  5. Enter the SNC name.

    You can enter an SNC name with or without the prefix SAP/. You also have the choice whether you want to include the realm of the Windows domain. Depending on what you want to include in the SNC name, use one of the following syntax examples:

    • p:CN=SAP/Kerberos<SID>@<REALM>

    • p:CN=Kerberos<SID>@<REALM>

    • p:CN=SAP/Kerberos<SID>

    • p:CN=Kerberos<SID>

    Description of the Variables in the Syntax of SNC Names




    The system ID of the target SAP NetWeaver AS ABAP. Kerberos<SID> is the realm of the Windows domain.


    The realm of the Windows domain.

    Example Example

    For an ABAP system with ABC for the system ID and a Windows domain of XYZ.EXAMPLE.COM, enter one of the following lines:





    Note Note

    Enter the realm in uppercase letters. The realm name is case sensitive.

  6. Select the SNC logon with user/password (no Single Sign-On) checkbox.

  7. Save your entries.

How to configure SAP GUI Client ?

How to configure SAP GUI Client ?

Login In to the SAP GUI though Web


Type one of the following URLin the web browser

  1. http://<IP>:8000/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui
  2. http://testp1.bomain.cpstl:8000/sap/bc/gui/sap/its/webgui

Then the login screen will come.


/wp-content/uploads/2012/06/5_114174.png How to configure SAP GUI Client ?


Then ask you to provide the username and password. Login an roam in to the SAP

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