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Indian Embassy advises to register issues via MADAD, iiQ8, indianinQ8

Kuwait City, 15th October 2020:

Indian Embassy advises to register issues via MADAD, iiQ8, indianinQ8

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Embassy of India

All Indian nationals who approach Embassy of India in Kuwait on various issues of concern and interest are advised also to use the platform of MADAD for registering their grievances and suggestions.

MADAD (‘MEA’ in Aid of Diaspora in Distress), is a Consular Services Management System, launched by Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India in 2015 for Indian citizens to log and track Grievances pertaining to the Consular Services offered by the Indian Embassies (Missions/Posts) abroad. With a view to provide mobile enablement of MADAD, a MADAD Mobile Application has also been launched.

Consular, Labour and Community Welfare issues such as compensation, court cases, domestic helps, imprisonment abroad, transportation of mortal remains, repatriation, salary dues, tracing whereabouts of missing persons and other grievances can be lodged under this scheme.

All Indian nationals in Kuwait are advised to register as MADAD user if they have any grievance related to consular, labour or community welfare services. MADAD enables online logging and tracking of grievances.

Website: http://www.madad.gov.in/

14 October 2020

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