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Kuwait Airport will start commercial flights in August, iiQ8 news

Kuwait Airport will start commercial flights in August

Kuwait City 29th June, 2020:

Flights are allowed to operate with a rate of 30%

The Kuwaiti Council of Ministers approves a 3 stage plan to operate commercial flights FROM and TO Kuwait from 1st August, 2020 according to the Kuwait news agency KUNA.

The decision was issued today, flights are allowed to operate with a rate of 30% in accordance with health requirements.

DGCA prepared three-phase plan to resume commercial flights

Minister of State for Services Affairs and Minister of State for National Assembly Affairs Mubarak Al-Haris announced Sunday a three progressive phases plan developed by the Directorate General of Civil Aviation (DGCA) to re-operate commercial flights.

In a press statement after his meeting with DGCA officials, the minister said that the Kuwait International Airport will operate in the first stage at 30 percent of its capacity, then will rise to 60 percent in the second stage, and back to normal level in the third and final stage.

The minister affirmed that DGCA was keen, when developing the plan, to abide by the Cabinet decisions, taking into account adherence to the preventive and precautionary measures issued by the health authorities.

Source : DGCA

مجلس الوزراء الكويتي يوافق علـى خطـة من ثلاث مراحــــل لتشـغيـل الرحلات التجارية في #مطار_الكويت_الدولي ذهابا وايابا اعتبارا من الاول مـن اغسطس 2020 بنسبة تشغيل لا تزيد عن 30 % وفق الاشتراطات الصحية

The Kuwaiti Cabinet approves a three-stage plan to operate commercial flights in #مطار_الكويت_الدولي Round trip starting from the first of August 2020, with an operating rate of no more than 30%, according to health requirements.

Kuwait Airport will start commercial flights in August, iiQ8 news

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