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Kuwait Revises Family Visa Rules for Expats | 14 Professions Exempted

Kuwait Revises Family Visa Rules for expats


Kuwait City, 27th January 2024: Kuwait Revises Family Visa Rules for expats 

Ministry of Kuwait – According to the updated regulations, expatriates wishing to bring their families to Kuwait will now have to meet more stringent requirements.

This policy mandates a minimum salary cap of 800 Kuwaiti Dinars for eligibility.

Additionally, applicants are required to hold a university degree.

And their employment in Kuwait must correspond with their academic qualifications.

It will also regulate the expatriate community in Kuwait, focusing on attracting and retaining highly skilled and educated professionals

14 Professions Exempt from university degree requirement

Kuwait Revises Family Visa Rules for Expats


Kuwait opens Family Visa, Minimum Salary 800 KD, New Rules


The professions exempted from the university degree requirement, as detailed in Article 30 of Ministerial Resolution No. 957/2019, include:

1.    Advisors, judges, prosecutors, experts, and legal researchers in the government sector.

2.    Medical professionals, including doctors and pharmacists.

3.    University, college, and higher institute professors.

4.    School administrators, vice principals, education mentors, teachers, social workers, and laboratory attendants in the government sector.

5.    Financial and economic advisors in universities.

6.    Engineers.

7.    Imams, preachers, and muezzins in mosques.

8.    Librarians in government agencies and private universities.

9.    Ministry of Health staff, including nurses, paramedics, medical technicians, and social service workers.

10.   Social workers and psychologists in the government sector.

11.   Journalism, media professionals, and correspondents.

12.   Sports coaches and athletes in federations and clubs.

13.   Pilots and flight attendants.

14.   Professionals overseeing burial preparations and services.


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