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Kuwait Sidra Hospital, مستشفى سدرة الكويت, iiQ8 Business

Kuwait Sidra Hospital مستشفى سدرة الكويت


Message from the CEO

Welcome to Sidra Kuwait Hospital, the secondary care multi-specialty hospital providing quality medical services in a friendly family atmosphere.

Fourth Ring Road, Riggae Area, Kuwait
ms phone 009651830000
ms 0096524997070
ms at
ms clock weekly 24 hours


Easily accessible from the fourth and the fifth ring roads, we offer our guests the best care through our integrated continuum of clinical care. We have recently expanded our scope of services to meet the healthcare needs of all family members. Our highly qualified staff are committed to provide our guests with the best medical care in line with approved international standards. We treat you as family. And with a smile and a personal touch.


Because we care.

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To become the family hospital of Kuwait:

    • Customers feel they are among family.
    • We treat each other as family.
    • We trust the system to look after our loved ones.


To provide quality affordable medical services to all family members in the outpatient, inpatient and
emergency settings through a team of highly trained dedicated professional staff and utilizing state
of the art medical equipment and diagnostic tools.

  • Commitment to safety and quality standards.
  • Compassionate care.
  • Honesty.
  • Transparency.
  • Mutual Respect.


  • contact details
    Fourth Ring Road, Riggae Area, Kuwait
    +965 2499 7000


Dar Al Saha Polyclinic مستوصف دار الصحة


Kuwait Sidra Hospital Location on Google Map:

  • contact info
    -General Fax: + 965 2499 7070
    -Insurance & Billing: + 965 2499 7234
    -Admission Office: + 965 2499 6053
    -Discharge Office: + 965 2499 6060
    -Appointments by Phone: +965 2499 7000 (0)


Aramex Ardiya Kuwait

Metro Medical Center, Fahaheel

  • complaints and concerns
    For any complaints and concerns in relation to patient care quality and Safety shall be reported to
    you may also call us on:
  • + 965 2499 7000

Opening Hours : 

From Sunday to Thursday during working hours (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM).

Sidra Kuwait Hospital combines the convenience of a full range of hospital and wellness services, more than 100 affiliated doctors in over 20 clinical specialties, one of the country’s premier medical systems. All of this is delivered in some of the newest health care facilities in the region designed for the comfort and convenience of our patients and their families.

Kuwait Sidra Hospital, مستشفى سدرة الكويت
Kuwait Sidra Hospital, مستشفى سدرة الكويت
Medical Services

Our talented world class physicians and staff provide exceptional medical and surgical care to our patients.

Complaints and concerns:

– For any complaints and concerns in relation to patient care quality and Safety shall be reported to:
– you may also call us on:
+ 965 1830000
– From Sunday to Thursday during working hours (8:00 AM – 5:00 PM).

Kuwait Sidra Hospital, مستشفى سدرة الكويت
Kuwait Sidra Hospital, مستشفى سدرة الكويت
Insurance Services

Sidra Kuwait Hospital provides health insurance programs at prices & deals available for everyone.

Contact details:

– Address:
Fourth Ring Road, Riggae Area, Kuwait.
– Phone Number:
+965 1830000
– Email:

Kuwait Sidra Hospital, مستشفى سدرة الكويت

Patient rooms are equipped with technology to manage your care by your care team.

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Customer Service

Our staff strive to provide a positive experience that ensures patient excellent customer service.

Contact info:

-General Fax:
-Insurance & Billing:
-Admission Office:
-Discharge Office:
-Appointments by Phone:
+965-24997000 (0)

Metro Medical Center, Fahaheel

Kuwait Jobs News

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