Vaccine, iiQ8, COVID-19 Vaccine, Flue Vaccine, Exapts

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Kuwait to launches drive-thru vaccination in Jaber Al Ahamed Bridge, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 30th March, 2021:

Kuwait to launches drive-thru vaccination in Jaber Al Ahamed Bridge, iiQ8

Kuwait to launches drive-thru #Covid19 vaccination in the southern island of #JaberAlAhmadCauseway

تخصيص مركز للتطعيم في الجزيرة الجنوبية بجسر جابر الأحمد الصباح

للتطعيم السريع ضد فيروس كورونا لخدمة السيارات


Allocation of a vaccination center on the south island in Jaber Al-Ahmad Al-Sabah bridge
For rapid vaccination against Coronavirus for car service

Kuwait Cabinet adopted draft law to reward frontline workers facing Covid19 with 600 Million Kuwaiti Dinars 🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼🇰🇼


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