What is Production / live Server in SAP


Load Balance in SAP? iiQ8 info

Load Balance in SAP?


Load Balancing

SAP BusinessObjects Explorer supports the clustering of your web application server. Hardware or software load balancers can be used as the entry-point for the web application servers to ensure that the processing is evenly distributed among servers.

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What is the meaning of load balance?
Load balancing is the method of distributing network traffic equally across a pool of resources that support an application. Modern applications must process millions of users simultaneously and return the correct text, videos, images, and other data to each user in a fast and reliable manner.


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The load balancer periodically fetches a list of all active application servers of an SAP system from its message server via HTTP. This list includes the host names as well as a static value indicating the capacity of each server (see below). This capacity is separated by stacks, i.e. a dual-stack instance has an ABAP capacity and a Java capacity.

When an instance is shutting down or scheduled for shutdown, the capacity of the instance will be set to 0. This means that stateful requests for existing sessions can still be sent to this instance but the instance should be taken out of load balancing, because it will not accept any new logons.

Servers will be dynamically added and removed from the list whenever the SAP message server detects a new server starting up or a running server shutting down (or crashing), respectively.

It is required that a load-balancing device removes crashed servers from its internal server list immediately for the following reasons:

  • The message server may take up to ten minutes to detect a server crash. Therefore, the server list may not reflect the current state of the servers

  • The load balancer should only update the list periodically (e.g. every several minutes)

Load Balance in SAP?
Load Balance in SAP?
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