MOCI online appointment for shopping in curfew Kuwait, iiQ8, book appointment
Kuwait City, 9th March 2021:
MOCI Launched online appointment for shopping in curfew Kuwait, iiQ8, book appointment
Launching a New Online Booking Service for Grocery Shopping
• Booking service is availed for all grocery stores.
• Avoiding overcrowding and long queues.
• The authorities will receive a barcode to confirm the credibility of the appointment.
• Another barcode for the shopper to confirm checking in at the shopping location.
How to book an appointment :
1- Visit the following website (www.moci.shop)
2- Entre the required information. (Civil ID number, serial number on the back of the card, contact number, email address)
3- The reason for appointment. ( food supply centres) 4- Choose and confirm the date and time of the appointment. 5- Save the provided information to be checked by the authorities upon enter-ing or before leaving the market to confirm your appointment
From 5:00 PM to 10:00 PM
Shopping Appointment Booking
Online service for citizens and residents to book a Shopping appointment during the curfew hours
Please Enter Your Information Correctly
Select Reservation Time Period
نظام حجز مواعيد التسوق الغذائي
خدمة للسادة المواطنين و المقيمين لحجز مواعيد التسوق الغذائي
يرجى إدخال بياناتك بشكل صحيح

In the recent days www.moci.shop has become necessity website for everyone to do grocery shopping.
1. In moci.shop you can book appointment for all Cooperative Societies , Cooperative Branches , Most of the Super Markets and Hyper Markets and Fish Markets.
2. Shopping Appointment is available only in Curfew hours,
3. Previously you can book appointment for the stores available in your area , now you can book appointment for any area.
4. As i observed , appointment is available only coming two days not more than that.
5. Lulu Salmiya mostly not available , its always show as not available try early morning times
Visit the website https://www.moci.shop
How to do Shopping Appointment Booking Online
Select the preferred Language from the drop down in the Menu as English
Enter your Civil ID No , Civil Serial, Name, Cell Phone Number, Reservation Time Period, E-Mail Address, For Cooperative Societies and Super Markets Choose Cooperative Societies in Booking Destination and click on Choose the Market
Once you click on Choose Market , you will get below screen :
– if you are not staying as per you civil id address , then you have to select my address doesn’t match my civil id info, and nothing you have to Auto Number of flat where you are staying now (Auto number is nothing but PACI no , which will be located outside of your flat),
Then select Cooperative Markets or Hyper Markets Available in your area (the system will show only markets in your area), it will show available time as below, select your suitable time
Once you book the appointment , please make a note of reference no , and take screenshot of Bar codes, you may not get email sometimes, to change or cancel appointment reference no is mandatory.
Note – You may not get email , so please save the reference no
Shopping During Curfew – Here’s How
Online registration for Partial Curfew Pass in Kuwait, iiQ8
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