Mubarakiya Bus Routes | iiQ8 List of Kuwait Bus Routes to Mubarakiya
Mubarakiya Bus Routes
Dear iiQ8 Visitors, here are the list of buses will go to Mubarakiya Bus Routes in Kuwait.
Kuwait Bus Route 15
Kuwait Bus Route 16
Kuwait Bus Route 21A
Kuwait Bus Route 39A
Kuwait Bus Route 51
Kuwait Bus Route 102X
Kuwait Bus Route 102A
Kuwait Bus Route 507
Kuwait Bus Route 999
Mubarakiya Bus Routes
Enjoy your weekend riding our bus to Mubarakiya! Take one of our routes mentioned ☝️ and have a safe ride 🚌
إستمتع بعطلة نهاية الأسبوع مع خطوط سيتي باص و إذهب إلى المباركية!
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CityBus, the flagship brand of City Group Company KSCP is the first privately held public transport provider in Kuwait. Since March 8, 2002, CityBus has been transforming the face of public transport by providing modern, reliable, safe, and economical transport services to the residents of Kuwait. CityBus provides regular stage carriage services on public routes and chartered bus services for its institutional customers. It owns and operates a fleet of more than 500 air-conditioned buses, 80 of which are sustainable less carbon emission buses throughout Kuwait and has clocked more than 68 million passenger journeys.
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Contact Us
City Group Co. KSCP
Sulaibiya Industrial Area 2, Block No.1,
Building No. 800100 Kuwait
Tel: (965) 1882211
Fax: (965) 24677945
Email: feedback@citybuskw.com
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