NOC For Engineer – Residence Renewal And Transfer, iiQ8 info, KSE
Kuwait City, 18th November 2021:
NOC For Engineer – Residence Renewal And Transfer, iiQ8 info, KSE
I’m an engineer and a member of the Kuwait Society of Engineers since 2013. I had gotten NOC’s previously for residency renewals and residency transfers. Kindly clarify, whether the NOC is required each time of residency renewal/transfer, or only the first time? Isn’t the PAM keeping a database of engineers who have been vetted by the system? What does the law state regarding this subject?
Name withheld
Answer: To the best of our knowledge you need an NOC anytime you want to renew or transfer your residence permit: As to whether the Public Authority for Manpower (PAM) keeps a database of engineers who have been vetted by the system or not the law as it exists now requires all engineers who wish to renew or transfer their residence to acquire a no-objection certificate from the Kuwait society of Engineers for those purposes.
Source – Arab Times
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