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Online registration for Partial Curfew Pass in Kuwait, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 9th March, 2021:

Q8 Curfew Pass is available for 5 categories, iiQ8, Partial Curfew Pass in Kuwait

Dear All,

Please note that the Kuwait PACI & transport department allowed the below categories to take LEAVE PERMISSION DURING CURFEW.


1. Emergency Case ( Patient Needs )

2. Doctor Visit

3. Blood Donation

4. COVID-19 SWAB Test

5. COVID-19 Vaccine

CLICK HERE TO Register for CURFEW PASS in Kuwait :

Online registration for Partial Curfew Pass in Kuwait, iiQ8

How to take PARTIAL Curfew pass in Kuwait to go outside during curfew hours.

Partial curfew pass registration online in Kuwait, Curfew Pass booking online

تطعيم كوفيد-19 أثناء تطبيق الحظر الجزئي

The below information is to fill online :

Request Details

Current Address

Destination Address

WARNING If the information submitted is not correct, you will be subject to 6 months prison and a fine of no more than five thousand dinars or one of these two penalties, according to law no. 8/1969 of health precautions to prevent communicable diseases .

بيانات الطلب

عنوان الموقع الحالي

عنوان الوجهة

تنبيه إذا تبين للجهات المختصة بتطبيق الحظر عدم صحه بياناتك ستكون مسائلا عن مخالفه أحكام القانون رقم 8 / 1969 بالاحتياطات الصحية للوقايه من الأمراض الساريه والتي تقضي بالحبس ستة أشهر وبغرامة لا تزيد عن خمسة الاف دينار أو باحدي هاتين العقوبتين

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