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Phase 4 Rules & Precautionary Measures in Kuwait, iiQ8

Phase 4 Rules & Precautionary Measures in Kuwait, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 17th August, 2020:

The fourth phase which will begin on 18th of August, 2020 (Tuesday) according the plan to return to life plan following are the details:

General requirements
• A distance of not less than two meters between workers
• Separation between desks, chairs and the rest of the furniture
• Preventing gatherings in rest rooms and places of worship
• Prevent eating in the workplace
• Provide indicative panels for spacing.
• Wearing a mask for everyone at all times in the workplace
• Commitment to continuously sterilize frequently used surfaces and bathrooms
• Avoid communication which comes in contact with others also avoid payment such as paper and coins, rely on electronic communication.

Workplace (upto 50%)
With regard to the workplace in government agencies that resume their activities, in addition to the previous
requirements, the following must:
• Distributing work schedules and receiving visitors.
• Check temperature for employees and visitors.
• People with a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees are not allowed to enter.
• Not allowing the employee who shows signs of illness in the premises
• Cleaning and disinfection of buildings at least once a day.
• Cleaning and disinfection of tools every time.
• The provision of sterilizer is mandatory throughout the workplace.

Restaurants and cafes
Regarding the opening of restaurants and cafes for customers, all previous conditions must be adhered to,
with the following commitment:
• The spacing between tables and seating is not less than two meters.
• Checking the temperature for the visitors of the restaurant or café.
• Not allowed to enter those with a temperature above 37.5 degrees.
• Continuous cleaning and disinfection of reusable equipment and tools.
• Providing hand sanitizer in places where visitors are located, especially entrances and cashiers.
• Banning the use of hookah.
• Twice a day major cleaning at the beginning and end of work.
• Use of single-use dishes and utensils.
• Not to place utensils, cutlery, napkins and spices in the dining hall, and they must be presented to customers upon request.
• It is forbidden to keep utensils and cutlery on the table except when the customer is seated.

Public transport
Regarding public transport, in addition to the previous requirements, the following must be adhered to:
• The driver and passengers must wear masks at all times.
• It is forbidden to ride a person who does not wear a mask.
• The passenger must sit in the designated space keeping social distancing.
• Removing or prohibiting the use of some chairs, or placing a barrier or a barrier between passengers
• It is forbidden to use the seat seats face to face
• Disinfecting the means of transport periodically, focusing on the surfaces that the passenger usually touches.
• Providing sterilizers, napkins and garbage bags that can be disposed of inside the means of transport.
• Asking the passenger to carry his bags and belongings himself.
• Providing informative materials for passengers that include precautionary measures to prevent disease, in accordance with health requirements.

Sports and health clubs
Adherence to general health requirements, with an emphasis on the following:
• Check the temperature and do not allow anyone with a temperature higher than 37.5 degrees to enter.
• Establishing a system for booking appointments, allowing only those who have a previous appointment to enter clubs (exercise halls).
• Reducing exercise time as much as possible.
• The administration should facilitate remote work for administrative staff.

• All players must wear masks while they are in closed places and during training.
• Adequate provision of personal protection tools and preventive supplies.
• In the event that a place designated for serving food and drinks is available, the health requirements of the restaurants are adhered to.
• Disinfecting sports equipment before and after each person’s use.
• It is forbidden to provide towels to players.
• Provide adequate quantities of sterilizers, paper towels, and trash bins that are opened without touch.
• Close the sauna and steam rooms.

While adhering to the general health requirements and checking the temperature, the following instructions must be adhered to:
• Maintaining constant ventilation.
• Providing sterilizers, wipes and disposable garbage bags.
• Ensure adequate seating space keeping social distancing.
• The customer wears a mask or a cover for the nose and mouth and does not take it off during his stayinside the shop.
• The employee must wear a plastic face shield and sleeves, in addition to gloves.
• No keeping magazines and newspapers near seats and waiting areas.
• Use single-use tools as much as possible, such as nail care tools and others.
• Thoroughly disinfect tools after each person.
• Establishing a system for reserving appointments for auditors.
• It is not allowed to eat food and drinks on the site and the surfaces that are frequently used must be disinfected.

Tailoring shops and workshops
• Adherence to public health requirements.
• Check the temperature.
• All visitors to these places must wear a mask or any other means of covering the mouth and nose.
• Workers should wear gloves and masks while taking measurements and dispose of them after each client.

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