SAP Architecture and dispatcher sap basis, iiQ8


SAP Architecture and dispatcher sap basis, iiQ8

SAP Architecture and dispatcher sap basis, iiQ8


SAP Architecture and dispatcher sap basis, iiQ8


SAP Introduction 

SAP History
SAP Landscape
SAP Architecture
Dispatcher :

SAP Architecture and dispatcher sap basis, iiQ8

Work Processes :
Dailouge Work

Update Work
Background Work Process

Enqueque Work

Message Work
Gateway Work

Spool Work Process


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What is SAP and SAP basis?

SAP stands for Systems, Applications & Products in Data Processing while BASIS stands for Business Application Software Integrated Solution. Basis administrators are involved in maintenance, system upgrade, setting up of system jobs, monitoring and analysing system logs and other administrative activities.


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SAP Architecture and dispatcher sap basis, iiQ8


What is SAP dispatcher basis?
The SAP Web dispatcher lies between the Internet and your SAP system. It is the entry point for HTTP(s) requests into your system, which consists of one or more SAP NetWeaver application servers. As a “software web switch”, the SAP Web dispatcher can reject or accept connections.



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SAP Architecture and dispatcher sap basis, iiQ8


Architecture and Functions

Think of the SAP dispatcher as the gatekeeper of a gated community. He makes sure that authorized personnel enter and directs them to the appropriate place. The SAP dispatcher lies between the Internet and your SAP system. It is the entry point for HTTP(s) requests into your system, which consists of one or more NetWeaver application servers. The SAP dispatcher can accept or reject connections. When it accepts a connection, it balances the load to ensure an even distribution across the servers. The SAP dispatcher plays a vital role in security and also balances the load in your SAP system to maximize efficiency. You can use the SAP dispatcher in ABAP/Java systems and in pure Java systems, as well as in pure ABAP systems.

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