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Simple Steps for legal migration to Kuwait for Domestic Sector workers

Kuwait City, 23rd January 2023:

Simple steps for legal migration to #Kuwait for Domestic Sector workers


For Domestic Sector Workers — Visa Article 20 ECR Passport Category Holders

Step 1:
Work Contract prepared by Foreign Employer (FE) and attested by Indian Embassy

Step 2:
Worker receives original attested work contract (along with VISA) through courier including following documents

For Males:
i. Direct Recruitment: Job ID & Job Code
ii. Through RA: Power of Attorney & Demand Letter

For Females:
Demand Letter and Power of Attorney

Step 3:
Workers signs the work contract as second party

Step 4:
Worker applies for Police Clearance Certificate (PCC) and Get Medical tests done at GAMCA.

Step 5:

Worker submits documents at Embassy / Consulate of Kuwait in India for attesting & stamping

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Step 6:
Worker applies for emigration clearance at concerned PoEs

Step 7:
After getting emigration clearance, worker can travel to Kuwait

For any query please contact Indian Embassy in Kuwait at (via Email)


Important Points for Emigration Clearance (EC):
* Females can get emigration clearance from concerned PoEs through state government approved Recruitment Agencies

* Males can get emigration clearance directly through concerned PoEs

* It is also advisable for ECNR category passport holder, who are coming into Kuwait as Domestic Sector Workers (Visa 20 Category), to prepare and attest their work contracts from the Embassy in Kuwait.


Free Medical Check up and Consultation Camp, TKK



Image Simple Steps for legal migration to Kuwait for Domestic Sector workers
Simple Steps for legal migration to Kuwait for Domestic Sector workers



#IndiaKuwait #Kuwait

Ministry of External Affairs, Government of India


Source – Indian Embassy

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