covid-19 updates kuwait, iiq8 updates

COVID-19 UpdatesQ8 News

26 categories excluded from the partial curfew in Kuwait, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 6th March 2021: 26 categories excluded from the partial curfew in Kuwait, iiQ8 Ministry of Kuwait announced that, the below categories not included in the partial curfew. 1. Ministers 2. Members of the National Assembly 3. Ministry of Health 4. Judges, the public prosecutor, the attorney general, the...

Emergency support teams during Lockdown , iiQ8, covid lockdown

Kuwait Info

Kuwait Emergency support teams during Lockdown, Corona Full lockdown Q8

Capital Governorate 55734035   Jahra Governorate 55823647   Hawalli Governorate 55926436   Al-Farwaniyah Governorate 55654256   Mubarak Al-Kabeer Governorate 55465328   Ahmadi Governorate 55231676   The above numbers Via Whatsapp When you encounter a problem in your home that cannot be solved by government emergency services or services provided by...