Logo for Indian in Q8 820-312 Hor, iiQ8, indianinQ8


A guide to general labour rights, iiQ8, Legal Guide

  A guide to general labour rights [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="696"] A guide to general labour rights, iiQ8, Legal Guide[/caption] Domestic house workers in Kuwait perform many essential duties in private households. They clean, cook, care for children, look after elderly family members, and perform other tasks for their employers....

India's Own Social Media Networking App 'Elyments', iiQ8 1


Duties of Domestic Workers, iiQ8, Legal Guide

  Duties of Domestic Workers [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="696"] Duties of Domestic Workers, iiQ8, Legal Guide[/caption] The duties of individual domestic housekeepers vary widely. Some housekeepers have complete responsibility and authority to plan and carry out many household duties. Others are given very specific duties and are closely supervised. To...

Logo for Indian in Q8 820-312 Hor, iiQ8, indianinQ8


General rights of the employer and employee, iiQ8

  General rights of the employer and employee The employer should receive the domestic worker within 24 hours of his/her arrival in Kuwait There are no legal fees on cases filed at the Labour Court If a domestic worker submits a complaint against an employer who then cancels his/ her...

Expo Dubai 2020, iiQ8, 1 October 2021 to 31 March 2022


Assault, Domestic Workers’ Legal Guide, iiq8

  Assault   Clause Definition Article  Simple assault Simple assault includes spitting, pulling hair, or clothes, or spraying with water; as well as physical beating that does not leave a mark Article 163 of the Penal Code  Actual Bodily Harm Mild beating includes beating that leaves a mark or results...

Logo for Indian in Q8 820-312 Hor, iiQ8, indianinQ8


Advice on Residency Law, iiQ8, Domestic Workers’ Legal Guide

Advice on Residency Law The residency will be canceled if a worker’s absence from Kuwait exceeds 6 months. A foreign national who is awaiting deportation may be detained for a period of no more than thirty days if such detainment is essential for the execution of the deportation order. A...

Logo for Indian in Q8 820-312 Hor, iiQ8, indianinQ8


Domestic Workers’ Legal Guide, iiQ8, A Guide by One Roof

Domestic Workers' Legal Guide, iiQ8, A Guide by One Roof Domestic workers are vulnerable to exploitation, violence, harassment, and forced labour, many women and men end up being trapped in abusive work situations which in some cases may amount to modern forms of slavery. While the relationship between the employer...