indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Indian Embassy asked All Indian Engineers to Register with Embassy, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 10th September, 2020: Third Open House meeting was organized by the Embassy of India on 09 September with a special focus on "Indian Engineers in Kuwait ". A registration drive for all Indian engineers in Kuwait was launched. Online registration at   PRESS RELEASE Registration for Indian...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Aatmanirbhar Bharat Invitation, iiQ8, Indian Embassy in Kuwait

Aatmanirbhar Bharat Invitation, iiQ8, Indian Embassy in Kuwait Kuwait City, 4th September, 2020: AATMANIRBHAR BHARAT: All are invited to join live screening of launch of “Aatmanirbhar Bharat" series of events in Kuwait on 10 Sept, 12 noon. Inaugural event includes a virtual Meet for Indian & Kuwaiti companies in Agriculture...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians News

Financial Assistance to Indians in Kuwait, iiQ8, ICWF invites applications

Financial Assistance for Indians in Kuwait, iiQ8, ICWF invites applications Indian Community Welfare Fund (ICWF) - Application for seeking financial assistance from ICWF Application for seeking financial assistance from ICWF Name of the applicant : Passport No. : Civil ID : Address in Kuwait : Telephone No. : Email address...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Q8 NewsIndians News

Indian Embassy in Kuwait will hold 3rd Open House meeting, iiQ8

Indian Embassy in Kuwait will hold 3rd Open House meeting, iiQ8 Embassy will hold its Third Open House meeting at 3:30 P.M on September 02, 2020. Registrations will strictly be on a first-come-first-serve basis. To register, please send an email to Indian Embassy in Kuwait PRESS RELEASE Third Open...

Indian Embassy in Kuwait, iiQ8, Holiday Note

Indians NewsQ8 News

Indian Embassy in Kuwait – Holiday Note, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 27th August, 2020 :   Indian Embassy in Kuwait - Holiday Note, iiQ8 Notice The Embassy shall remain closed on Sunday, 20th August, 2020 on the occasion of 'Muharram'. However, emergency consular services will be rendered by the Mission. Visa and Residency extended till 30th November, 2020,...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Contact for flight reservations and other enquiries, iiQ8, indianinQ8

Contact for flight reservations and other enquiries, iiQ8, indianinQ8 Kuwait City, 17th August 2020: Indian Embassy issued an Advisory today as below - For flight reservations and other enquiries, please contact the concerned airlines directly and quote Embassy’s registration id: Advisory For flight reservations and information / clarification / confirmation...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians NewsQ8 News

Indian Embassy Kuwait – Updated Advisory on Travel Restrictions, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 14th August, 2020: Indian Embassy in Kuwait Updated Advisory on Travel Restrictions Related to COVID-19. Embassy of India Kuwait ADVISORY ON TRAVEL RESTRICTIONS RELATED TO COVID-19 Members of the Indian Community in Kuwait would be aware of the announcement of Directorate General of Civil Aviation, State of Kuwait,...

in Flag, iiQ8, indianinQ8, Indian Flag

Indians News

Indian Embassy – Kuwait, Advisory, Touch with Indian Nationals in Kuwait, iiQ8

Indian Embassy - Kuwait, Advisory, Touch with Indian Nationals in Kuwait, iiQ8 Embassy of India, Kuwait has been in regular touch with Indian nationals in Kuwait on the evolving COVID-19 situation. All are requested to continue to follow Embassy's updated advisories (latest advisory attached).Our Emergency Helplines are always active to...

indianembassy kuwait, iiQ8, indian embassy kuwait, indianinQ8

Indians News

Indian Embassy invited to Daily Online Quiz Competitions, iiQ8

74th Independence Day of India Join us for Online Celebrations of Independence Day this year, through 'Daily Online Quiz Competitions'. To participate, watch this space daily from 09 August to 13 August 2020, 0900 hrs - 1700 hrs Embassy of India, Kuwait ANNOUNCEMENT Daily Quiz Contest 74th Independence Day of...


Indian Embassy Kuwait Working Hours in Covid19 Corona Virus, iiQ8, Kuwait Indian Embassy

Indian Embassy Kuwait Working Hours in Covid19 Corona Virus, iiQ8, Kuwait Indian Embassy   UPDATED ADVISORY RELATED TO COVID-19 DEVELOPMENTS Embassy of India in Kuwait informs the Indian Community in Kuwait that the official working hours of the Embassy have been revised on account of the partial curfew measures being...