Kuwait Universities

Algonquin College Kuwait – Naseem, Kuwait, iiQ8

Algonquin College Kuwait - Naseem, Kuwait, iiQ8 Alnaseem, Block 3, South Jahra Kuwait Safat 13089 State of Kuwait P.O. Box 22866 Address of Algonquin College Kuwait Kuwait Jahra Governorate Naseem Block 3 South Jahra   Contact Information of Algonquin College Kuwait Phone Number: 22060220 (int: 0096522060220) Website: www.ac-kuwait.edu.kw Email: info@ac-kuwait.edu.kw Facebook: ACKuwait Twitter: ac_kuwait Instagram: ac_kuwait...

Kuwait Universities

Box Hill College Kuwait – Abu Halifa, Kuwait

Box Hill College Kuwait - Abu Halifa, Kuwait, iiQ8 Box Hill College Kuwait ( BHCK) is the sole private higher education exclusive to women in the State of Kuwait . BHCK operates as an accredited extended campus of the Box Hill Institute Group (BHI) of colleges (Australian government Registered Training...

Kuwait Universities

Maastricht School of Management – Dasma, Kuwait

Maastricht School of Management - Dasma, Kuwait, iiQ8 Dasma, Block 3, Salem Al Jumaian Street, Kuwait Teachers Society Building  +965 22517091/2/3/4  Whatsapp Only (+965 67670736)  info@msm-kuwait.com 8:00AM - 9:30PM Why MSM Kuwait Business School? MSM-Kuwait is a management institution dedicated to preparing students for the careers of the global economy. We...

Kuwait Universities

Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) – Mubarak Al Abdullah, Kuwait

Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) - Mubarak Al Abdullah, Kuwait Contact Information of Australian College of Kuwait (ACK) Phone Number: 1828225 (int: 009651828225) Phone Number: 25376111 (int: 0096525376111) Fax Number: 25376222 (int: 0096525376222) Website: www.ack.edu.kw Email: contactus@ack.edu.kw Facebook: acklive Twitter: ack_live Instagram: ack_live Careers - Job Vacancies : recruitment@ack.edu.kw About ACK Established in 2004, ACK is one of...

Kuwait Universities

American University of the Middle East (AUM) – Egaila, Kuwait, iiq8

American University of the Middle East (AUM) - Egaila, Kuwait, iiq8 About Us The American University of the Middle East (AUM) is a leading higher education institution in Kuwait and the region. Located in Egaila on an expansive and dynamic campus, AUM is designed to provide an intellectually challenging yet...

Kuwait Universities

Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) – Mubarak Al Abdullah, Kuwait

Gulf University for Science and Technology (GUST) - Mubarak Al Abdullah, Kuwait About GUST In the mid-1990s, a group of distinguished Kuwaiti academicians and businessmen realized the vital importance of establishing a modern university in Kuwait equal in quality to other prestigious universities abroad and to serve the ever-increasing educational...

Kuwait Universities

Kuwait International Law School – Doha, Kuwait

Kuwait International Law School - Doha, Kuwait, iiQ8 Contact Information of Kuwait International Law School Phone Number: 22280222 (int: 0096522280222) Fax Number: 22280209 (int: 0096522280209) Website: kilaw.edu.kw Email: info@kilaw.edu.kw Twitter: kilaw_edu Instagram: kilaw_edu YouTube: kilawkuwait P.O. Box: 59062, Postal Code : 93151, Doha City, Kuwait. Address of Kuwait International Law School Kuwait Capital Governorate  Doha Block 4...

Kuwait Universities

Kuwait College of Science and Technology (KCST) – Doha, Kuwait

Kuwait College of Science and Technology (KCST) - Doha, Kuwait, iiq8 ABOUT US Kuwait College of Science and Technology (KCST) is a private university, licensed by Decree No. 106 of 2008 by the Ministry of Higher Education in Kuwait. KCST was established with the purpose of providing internationally recognized undergraduate...

Kuwait Universities

College of Aviation Technology – Abu Halifa, Kuwait

College of Aviation Technology - Abu Halifa, Kuwait, iiQ8 Contact Information of College of Aviation Technology Phone Number: 23730047 (int: 0096523730047) Phone Number: 23730048 (int: 0096523730048) Phone Number: 23730049 (int: 0096523730049) Fax Number: 23730045 (int: 0096523730045) Website: www.collegeofaviation.com Email: info@collegeofaviation.com ABOUT US College of Aviation Technology C.A.T was established in 2015according to the decree No 312...

Kuwait Universities

American University of Kuwait (AUK) – Salmiya, Kuwait

American University of Kuwait (AUK) - Salmiya, Kuwait, iiQ8 The University The American University of Kuwait (AUK) is an independent, private, equal opportunity, and coeducational liberal arts institution of higher education. The educational, cultural, and administrative structure, methods and standards of AUK are based on the American model of higher...

Kuwait Universities

Kuwait Technical College – Abu Halifa, Kuwait

Kuwait Technical College - Abu Halifa, Kuwait, iiQ8 Welcome to K-TECH K-TECH started operating in 2014 to provide opportunities for students who are oriented toward practical education rather than the traditional theoretical approach. This is achieved by offering students the opportunity to pursue a vocational and practical career supported by professional...

Kuwait Universities

Arab Open University (AOU) – Ardiya, Kuwait

Arab Open University (AOU) - Ardiya, Kuwait, iiQ8 WELCOME MESSAGE I would like to congratulate the new comer students for their acceptance in the Arab Open University – Kuwait Branch, It is my pleasure to welcome them all; and would encourage them to be keen on learning for brighter future; in the...