Kuwait Fireworks on National Day Celebrations 2023

Q8 News

Kuwait Fireworks 28th February 2023

Kuwait City, 1st March 2023: Kuwait Fireworks 28th February 2023 [caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="911"] Kuwait Fireworks 28th February 2023[/caption]   Kuwait's 2023 national days celebrations concluded Tuesday with a marvelous fireworks display that lit up the sky over the Arabian Gulf Street with eye-catching sparkling shapes and colors. People flocked...

MOI Kuwait, Ministry of Interior Kuwait, iiQ8

Q8 News

Gulf Street to be partially closed on Tuesday 28th Feb

Kuwait City, 27th February 2023:   Gulf Street to be partially closed on Tuesday 28th Feb   #Kuwait MOI: Gulf Street will be partially closed on 28th February Tuesday from 5:30 PM until the end of the fireworks show, The closed part will extend from the intersection with the 2nd...