Ubuntu an absolute beginners guide how to install it blogspot
Ubuntu an absolute beginners guide how to install it blogspot // scroll down to full view // // scroll down to full view // Ubuntu an absolute beginners guide how to install it blogspot Ubuntu an absolute beginners guide how to install it blogspot How...
How to install SAP GUI in Linux OS
HOW TO run SAPGUI into LINUX 1) Minimal system requirements. Linux Hardware: CPU: Intel PentiumIII with 800 MHz RAM: 256MB Software: OS: SuSE Linux 9.3 - 10.1, Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3 and 4 JVM: Sun Java Runtime Evironment 1.4.2 (32-bit) or 5.0 (32-bit) including Java Plugin please...
Linux Gentoo
Gentoo Gentoo is not for the faint of heart It wouldn't be wrong to claim that the current crop of Linux distros expend far too much effort to appear more pleasing to new users. From installation to package management, everything is aimed at being more user friendly....
Linux OS Conclusion
Conclusion With hundreds of possible distros to choose from, it's never easy to select a few and make recommendations. We've tried to pick distros that will suit the different skillsets of users. For those looking to move away from proprietary offerings, Elementary OS, with its focus on beauty...
Linux Sparky
More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts (Microsoft Windows) Sparky Linux Sparky is based on the Testing branch of Debian Based on the Testing branch of Debian, Sparky Linux releases regular installable images despite being a rolling release distro. Designed to work with older hardware, it's also at home with...
Linux Elementary OS
Elementary OS Elementary is a slick performer, and a looker too Despite being a derivative of Ubuntu, Elementary has little in common with its source. Apart from using Ubuntu's backend, almost every other component of the distro is home-grown. Elementary OS features a custom application launcher, file manager,...
Linux Mageia
Mageia Mageia 4 was released earlier this year Mageia is the result of the community-driven fork of the Mandriva Linux distribution. Back in 1998, Mandrake Linux, based on Red Hat Linux 5.1, was the first distro designed for the everyday user. The distro underwent several name changes and acquisitions....
Linux Korora
Korora Korora is now based on Fedora Linux Mageia This distro was initially based on Gentoo but now uses Fedora as its base. It ships separate editions for Gnome, Cinnamon, Mate, KDE and XFCE, and offers each for 32-bit and 64-bit architectures. As the project is based...
Linux Debian
Debian Debian can be configured as a desktop or server OS While this distro is still considered to be the best offering for rolling out servers, Debian has also made inroads into the desktop. It now ships with all the popular desktop environments such as Gnome, KDE, Mate,...
Linux Mint
Linux Mint Mint wisely steers clear of any interface controversy There are two key reasons for Mint's stellar rise in the popular distro charts. One is that it's based on Ubuntu, and the other is that despite being based on Ubuntu, its default desktop is much more...
Linux Fedora
Fedora Fedora most certainly isn't old hat One of the oldest Linux distros, Fedora can trace its origins back to the 1990s and Red Hat Linux. Fedora came into being when Red Hat decided to split its Red Hat Linux distribution into Red Hat Enterprise Linux and...
Linux OpenSUSE
OpenSUSE 13.2 OpenSUSE now features a very user friendly installer One of the most popular RPM-based distros, OpenSUSE, has shunned its KDE preference and now looks consistent across desktops. However, it remains one of the leading users of (and contributors to) the KDE desktop. Its all-in-one management...
Linux ubuntu
Ubuntu Ubuntu is an impressively polished distro. SAP Architecture While not the first distro designed for inexperienced Linux desktop users, Ubuntu has established itself as one of the most well-known. What is SAP R3 Architecture ? The distro features the home-grown Unity desktop, one of the...
Linux distros 10 best
10 best Linux distros: which one is right for you? Introduction Choice and flexibility are the hallmarks of a Linux distribution, and by extension the Linux ecosystem. With the proprietary Windows and OS X, you're stuck with the system as designed and can't make changes no matter how unpleasant you...