Corona Virus latest, COIVD-19 New variant iiq8

COVID-19 UpdatesQ8 News

A new COVID mutant XE has been found, more transmissible than Omicron

Kuwait City, 4th April 2022: 'New mutant more transmissible than #Omicron sub-variant' A new COVID mutant ‘XE’ has been found in the UK, the World Health Organisation has said in its latest report and noted that it may be more transmissible than the BA.2 sublineage of Covid-19. XE is recombinant...

Ramadan-Mubarak-❤️-كل-عام-وانتم-بخير❤️-رمضان-مبارك, iiQ8, indianinq8

Q8 News

When is Ramadan 2022, iiQ8 info, Ramadan2022 starts, Ramadan Timing 2022

Kuwait City, 5th December 2021: When is Ramadan 2022, iiQ8 info, Ramadan2022 starts, Ramadan Prayer Timing 2022 in Kuwait. Ramadan for the year 2022 starts on the evening of Saturday, April 2nd lasting 30 days and ending at sundown on Sunday, May 1. Islamic holidays always begin at sundown and end at sundown...