Online Renewal of E-Passport for Kuwaitis, iiQ8 info Electronic Passport Online Register

Q8 News

Online Renewal of E-Passport for Kuwaitis, iiQ8 info Electronic Passport Online Register

Steps for the electronic Kuwaiti passport renewal service via the Ministry of Interior website online خطوات خدمة تجديد جواز السفر الكويتي الإلكتروني عبر موقع وزارة الداخلية Online Terms and conditions for renewing an electronic passport type (regular) through the e-services portal  1- The renewal fee should be paid through the...

Kuwait Visa, iiQ8, indianinq8

Q8 News

Kuwait Confirms extension of deadline of stranded residency violators, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 21st January, 2021: Kuwait Confirms extension of deadline of stranded residency violators, iiQ8 Kuwait confirms extension of the deadline of stranded residency violators until the end of January 2021. Kuwaiti Minister of Interior Sheikh Thamer Al-Ali issued a decision to extend the deadline for amending conditions for violators...

Kuwait Visa, iiQ8, indianinq8

Q8 News

Kuwait Confirms extension of deadline of stranded residency violators, JobsinQ8

Kuwait City, 21st January, 2021: Kuwait Confirms extension of deadline of stranded residency violators, JobsinQ8 Kuwait confirms extension of the deadline of stranded residency violators until the end of January 2021. Kuwaiti Minister of Interior Sheikh Thamer Al-Ali issued a decision to extend the deadline for amending conditions for violators...

MOI Kuwait residence transfer, renewal, iiQ8, indianinq8

Q8 News

No Residency extension for expired after 1st September, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 15th September, 2020: No Residency extension for expired after 1st September, iiQ8 Residence permits expired on 1st September 2020, will not benefit from the deadline of Nov 30, 2020 – end permit extension The Residency Affairs Departments have received instructions from the concerned authority to strictly apply the...