How to Disable Windows Automatic Updates on Windows 10 Permanently, iiQ8 Tech
Dear Viewers, How to Disable Windows Automatic Updates on Windows 10 Permanently, iiQ8 Tech Good day! In this Post you will find a way to disable automatic windows updates permanently in Windows10. [ 2022 ]- How to Disable Windows Automatic Updates on Windows 10 Permanently Download the File...
FAQ about Windows 11, iiQ8, Frequently asked questions Windows11
Kuwait City, 27th June 2021: Frequently asked questions about Windows 11 What’s the difference between Windows 10 and Windows 11? Windows 11 has all the power and security of Windows 10 with a redesigned and refreshed look. It also comes with new tools, sounds, and apps. Every detail has been considered. All...
Introducing Windows 11, iiQ8, Update Microsoft Windows11 Free
Kuwait City, 27th June 2021: Windows 11 is a free upgrade - Microsoft’s next version of Windows is free [video width="640" height="640" mp4=""][/video] Microsoft NEW Windows 11 Introducing Windows 11 A new Windows experience, bringing you closer to the people and things you love. Play Get a fresh perspective Windows 11...
How to speed up Windows 10, iiQ8, 14 ways to speedup windows
If you want to optimize Windows 10, take a few minutes to try out these tips to speed up your PC and make it less prone to performance and system issues. How to speed up Windows 10, iiQ8, 14 ways to speedup windows Want Windows 10 to run faster? We've...
Microsoft Edge, iiQ8, Microsoft Windows 10 New Browser
Microsoft Edge Microsoft Edge is up to date.Version 85.0.564.51 (Official build) (64-bit) This browser is made possible by the Chromium open source project and other open source software. Microsoft Edge © 2020 Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved. InPrivate Browsing What InPrivate Browsing does Deletes your browsing info when you close all InPrivate windows...
USING THE WINDOWS 10 PHONE COMPANION The new Phone Companion in Windows 10 makes it easier to move files between your computer and your portable devices. In keeping with Microsoft’s plan to service all computing platforms, the Phone Companion program works with phones from Windows, Android, and Apple. It even...
100+ Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Windows how to install it blogspot
How to install it blogspot - 100 Keyboard Shortcut Keys for Windows This article contains a list of more than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts for Microsoft Windows operating system. Keyboard Shorcuts (Microsoft Windows) 1. CTRL+C (Copy) 2. CTRL+X (Cut) 3. CTRL+V (Paste) 4. CTRL+Z (Undo) 5. DELETE (Delete) 6. SHIFT+DELETE (Delete...
100% disk usage in windows 10 how to solve it how to install it blogspot
how to install it blogspot 100% disk usage in windows 10 how to solve it It’s a problem that’s affected users across Windows 7, 8, and 10, and usually stems from one of a number of background processes, all of which we’ve tried to cover here. Run CheckDisk The first port of...
Download and install Google Chrome how to install it blogspot
Download and install Google Chrome Get Google Chrome Google Chrome is a free web browser. Click the links to download: Windows, Mac, and Linux computers Android phone and tablets iPhone and iPads Install Chrome Install Chrome for a fast, free web browser. You can also re-install Chrome to fix problems with Flash,...
10 Surprising Reasons Why You Will Like Windows 10
10 Surprising Reasons Why You Will Like Windows 10 10 Surprising Reasons Why You Will Like Windows 10 // Scroll down to view full document // 10 Surprising Reasons Why You Will Like Windows 10 // Scroll down to view full document // Windows 10 Edge can’t be opened using...
How to reset Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 when things are broken
How to reset Microsoft Edge in Windows 10 when things are broken Program splash screen starts up and then closes (stand-alone) autocad 2013 In Windows 10, Microsoft is introducing many new features to make users more productive, such as a new Start menu, Cortana, new universal apps, Settings, which is...
Google Yahoo Windows Virus
Do you know..📡 google yahoo windows virus 1.) GOOGLE - Global Organization Of Oriented Group Language Of Earth. 2.) YAHOO - Yet Another Hierarchical Officious Oracle. 3.) WINDOW - Wide Interactive Network Development for Office work Solution. 4.) COMPUTER - Common Oriented Machine Particularly United and used under Technical...
Windows 10 System requirements
Windows 10 System requirements System requirements Basically, if your PC can run Windows 8.1, you’re good to go. If you're not sure, don't worry—Windows will check your system to make sure it can install the preview. Processor: 1 gigahertz (GHz) or faster RAM: 1 gigabyte (GB) (32-bit)...
More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts (Microsoft Windows)
More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts must read & Share Keyboard Shortcuts (Microsoft Windows) More than 100 Keyboard Shortcuts must read & Share Keyboard Shortcuts (Microsoft Windows) 1. CTRL+C (Copy) 2. CTRL+X (Cut) ... 3. CTRL+V (Paste) 4. CTRL+Z (Undo) 5. DELETE (Delete) 6. SHIFT+DELETE (Delete the selected item permanently without...
HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS 7 FULL TUTORIAL (HD) HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS 7 FULL TUTORIAL (HD) HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS 7 FULL TUTORIAL (HD) A reader who uses how to install windows 7,windows vista , full tutorial...
Windows Administrator L1 Interview Question 3
Windows Administrator L1 Interview Question 3 45. What is the difference between Dynamic Disk and Basic Disk? Basic Disk: Basic Disk uses a partition table to manage all partitions on the disk, and it is supported by DOS and all Windows versions. A disk with installed OS would be default...
Windows Administrator L1 Interview Question 2
Windows Administrator L1 Interview Question 2 Windows Administrator L1 Interview Question 21. How do I configure a client machine to use a specific IP Address? By reserving an IP Address using client machine MAC or Physical address. A reader who uses 22. Name 3 benefits of using AD-integrated...
Windows Administrator L1 Interview Question 1
Systems Admin Windows Administrator L1 Interview Question 1 Windows Administrator L1 Interview Question 1. What is the different between Workgroup and Domain? •Domain Server has Centralized Control Where else Workgroup has no Centralized Control •Domain Network has higher level of security when compared to Workgroup. •Domain Network Implementation and Maintained...
Windows Admin – L2/L3 interview Questions
Windows Admin – L2/L3 interview Questions System Administrator Windows Admin Questions – L2/L3 interview Questions FAQ about Windows 11, iiQ8, Frequently asked questions Windows11 1.What are the FSMO roles ? 2. Which role plays the vital role? 3.Why domain time synchronization require? A reader who uses 4.What is...
How to install windows 7 full
HOW TO INSTALL WINDOWS 7 FULL TUTORIAL (HD) how to install windows 7,windows vista , full tutorial... how to install windows 7,windows vista , full tutorial... How to Install Windows 7 Operating System, Drivers & Folders The basics of how to Install a Windows 7...
Announcing Windows 10
Announcing Windows 10 September 30, 2014September 30, 2014 It’s a humbling and amazing thing to work on Windows, which is used by over 1.5 billion people in every country of the world. From kids playing with computers for the first time, to writers and journalists, to engineers,...