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The Human Body, Number of Body Parts placed by the GOD

The Human Body, Number of Body Parts placed by the GOD

The number of body parts God has placed in us

1: Number of bones: 206
2: Number of muscles: 639
3: Number of kidneys: 2
4: Number of milk teeth: 20
5: Number of ribs: 24 (12 pairs)
6: Heart room number: 4
7: The biggest dhamani: the old man
8: Normal blood pressure: 120/80 Mmhg
9: Blood Ph: 7.4
10: Number of spinal cord in the spine column: 33
11: Number of spine in the neck: 7
12: Number of bones in the middle ear: 6
13: Number of bones in the face: 14
14: Number of bones in Purra: 22
15: Number of bones in the chest: 25
16: Number of bones in arms: 6
17: Number of muscles in the human hand: 72
18: Number of pumps in the heart: 2
19: The largest organ: skin
20: The biggest book: the liver

Arabic General Use Words in Telugu, iiQ8, Telugu to Arabic translation words, iiQ8 Arabic

21: The biggest particle: The woman’s body
22: The smallest particle: sperm
23: Smallest bone: Ear between the steps
24: First transplant organ: Kidney
25: Average length of small intestine: 7m
26: Average length of large intestine: 1.5 m
27: Average weight of a newborn baby: 3 kilos
28: pulse rate in a minute: 72 times
29: Normal body temperature: 37 C° (98.4 f°)
30: Average blood size: 4 to 5 liters
31: Lifetime red blood cells: 120 days
32: Lifetime white blood cells: 10 to 15 days
33: Pregnancy period: 280 days (40 weeks)
34: Number of bones in human foot: 33
35: Number of bones in each wrist: 8
36: Number of bones in hand: 27
37: Largest endocrine book: thyroid
38: Largest absorption organ: Pleham
40: Biggest and strongest bone: thigh bone
41: Smallest muscle: Stepidius (middle ear)
41: Chromosome Number: 46 (23 pairs)
42: Newborn baby bones number: 306
43: Blood pressure: 4.5 to 5.5
44: Universal donor blood group 😮
45: Universal receiving blood group: AB
46: Largest white blood cell: Monosisite

Arabic Daily using words in Telugu, iiQ8, Telugu to Arabic translation words, iiQ8 Telugu

47: Smallest white blood cell: Lymphocyte
48: Increased number of red blood cells said: Polycythemia
49: Blood bank in the body: Pleaham
50: River of life is called: Blood
51: Normal blood cholesterol level: 100 mg/dl
52: Fluid in the blood: plasma.

Number of Human Body Parts

Arabic Daily using words in Telugu, iiQ8, Telugu to Arabic translation words, iiQ8 Telugu

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