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Vaccinated Passengers Arriving to Kuwait undergo 1 Week Quarantine, iiQ8

Kuwait City, 19th September 2021:

Vaccinated Passengers Arriving to Kuwait undergo 1 Week Quarantine, iiQ8

May be an image of ‎text that says '‎مسافر كويت Kuwait Mosafer Vaccinated Passengers Arriving to Kuwait All vaccinated passengers arriving to Kuwait will have to undergo a one week home quarantine upon arrival. Το end the quarantine early, you must pay for and complete a PCR test in Kuwait. If your PCR test comes out negative, your quarantine will come to an end. Sமய‎'‎

Vaccinated Passengers Arriving to Kuwait

All Vaccinated Passengers Arriving to Kuwait will have to undergo a one week home quarantine upon arrival.


To end the quarrantine early, you must pay for and complete a PCR test in Kuwait. If your PCR test comes out negative, your quarantine will come to an end.


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