Visa and Residency extended till 30th November, 2020, iiQ8
Kuwait City, 27th August, 2020:
Residence and visit visas extended for three months ( From 1st September To 30th November) .
Visa and Residency extended till 30th November, 2020, iiQ8
Expats who are currently in Kuwait only will get residence Visa extension for 3 months –
- Extend expired residency & visit visas for 3 months starting from September 1 to November 30 for those currently inside Kuwait.
- MOI urged sponsors to renew their employees’ visas during this period by MOI website or visiting Residency Affairs in the governorates before November 30, 2020.
اعتباراً من 2020/9/1 ⠀ الإعلام الأمني: وزير الداخلية يصدر قراراً بتمديد الإقامات والزيارات التي ستنتهي نهاية أغسطس الجاري لمدة 3 أشهر أخرى
As of 01/09/2020 ⠀ Security media: The Minister of Interior issues a decision to extend the residencies and visits, which will end at the end of this August, for a further period of 3 months.
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