What is Development Server in SAP


What is Development Server in SAP? iiQ8

What is Development Server in SAP?


IN 3-tier architecture landscape What is Development Server in SAP? there are multiple servers meant for some special purposes.These servers are commonly known as sandbox, development, quality, production servers or systems. The purpose of this layered approach is to minimize the risk of failures on live environment due to erroneous, redundant and irrelevant code and also to keep the environment clean.


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What is Development Server in SAP?


Progress Application Server for OpenEdge can be installed as either a server for developing and testing Web applications or as a production server for application deployment.

The difference between a development server and a production server is largely a matter of security. Typically, a server in a development environment allows unrestricted access to and control by a user or group of users. A production server, on the other hand, is configured to restrict access to authorized users and to limit control to system administrators. For example, in a development environment anyone might be allowed to shut down the server, whereas, in a production environment, only an administrator with appropriate privileges would be allowed to stop a running server.

In addition, you should be aware that the development server includes a number of Tomcat and Progress configuration and management tools. A production server, to avoid unauthorized tampering, would not include those tools.

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What is Development Server in SAP?



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