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What is Quality / test Server in SAP? iiQ8 info

What is Quality / test Server in SAP?

What is Quality / test Server in SAP?

Types of Servers

Different types of database servers supported in an SAP client-server architecture.

The SAP product line includes servers and tools for building servers:

  • SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise is a database server. SAP Adaptive Server Enterprises manage information stored in one or more databases.

  • SAP Open Server provides the tools and interfaces needed to create a custom server application.

    An SAP Open Server application can be any type of server. For example, it can perform specialized calculations, provide access to real-time data or interface with services such as electronic mail. An SAP Open Server application is created individually, using the building blocks provided by SAP Open Server Server-Library.

SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise and SAP Open Server applications are similar in some ways:

  • Both servers respond to client requests.

  • Clients communicate with both SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise and SAP Open Server applications through Open Client products.

But they also differ:

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  • An application programmer must create an SAP Open Server application, using Server-Library’s building blocks and supplying custom code. SAP ASE is complete and does not require custom code.

  • An SAP Open Server application can be any kind of server and can be written to understand any language. SAP Adaptive Server Enterprise is a database server and understands only Transact-SQL.

  • An SAP Open Server application can communicate with non-SAP protocols, as well as with SAP applications and servers. SAP ASE can communicate directly only with SAP applications and servers; however, SAP ASE can communicate with non-SAP applications and servers by using an SAP Open Server gateway application as an intermediary.

System Landscape & Architecture

SAP system landscape is defined as an arrangement of SAP servers. Ideally, in a Sap environment, a three-system landscape exists. A system landscape consists of Development Server (Dev), Production Server (PROD), and Quality Assurance server (QAS).

SAP Architecture is defined as a technology framework of SAP system and it changes with time unlike the system landscape. SAP Architecture changes with new software like SAP ECC 6.0, the most recent one.

The following is a request in SAP System Landscape −


The following figure represents SAP three tier system landscape where work flows from Dev > QAS > PROD and not in backward direction.

SAP Three Tire System What is Quality
What is Quality

Let us now discuss the system landscape −

Sandbox Server

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When a project is implemented, at the initial stages, a sandbox server is used where all the customization, configuration is performed.

Development Server

Next is to save the configuration in development server and saved in workbench requests and this has to be transported to Production server.

Production Server

You can consider it as the final or the most refined stage where the work is done when project is in production/go live. All the changes that are required by the client are performed in the DEV environment and later, the request is transported to production.

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What is Quality


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