What type of Projects in SAP?


What type of Projects in SAP?

What type of Projects in SAP?


What are the types of projects in SAP? What type of Projects in SAP?

Types of SAP Projects – 5 Types of SAP Projects Explained …

Types of SAP Projects

  • Big Bang Project. This type of project aims to go live with all modules across all departments at the same time. …
  • Phased Project. …
  • Roll Out Project. …
  • Upgrade Project. …
  • Expansion Project.


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What type of Projects in SAP?

1. SAP Implementation Project. :

Company  wants to implement  SAP  Module( Ex :HCM/MM/SD/FI/CO etc) for the first time. In implementation projects consultant from various modules do configuration based on company requirements. Role of consultants are configuration, integration of  several modules, Data migration  from Legacy system to SAP system, prepare interfaces/RFC’s to interact with sap/3rd party systems,testings, document preparation, end user training etc Methodology suggests by SAP for implementation is ASAP.

There are 5 stages in the ASAP methodology

1. Project Initial Preparation

2.Business Blueprint – Preparation of AS-IS and TO BE documents , MoM , workshops….

3.Realization  – complete configuration settings in backend

4.Final Preparation-  Unit testing, integration testing, UAT and end user training

5.Golive And Support : data migrations


2. SAP Support Project.

After implementation of SAP modules customer/business need assistance of consultants in their  day to day business operations using SAP software. The end user raise their concerns,issues,errors etc  through a ticket handling tool. A ticket handing tool is must for a support project ,it helps to track the status of tickets. Basically there is no phases in it. Roles of a consultant  Accept /Acknowledge the tickets, analysis the issue, document it ,solve, provide solutions to  client,Get confirmation from the user & close the ticket.

Change request and service request is the main roles in support projects.

there is a different tools to update the tickets like SM7, USD or ticket tools and so on.


3. SAP Roll-Out Project.

Company  has upgraded/implemented  SAP HR  & wants to rollout country specific changes in different countries.


4. SAP Up gradation Project.


Customers are moving from the older versions to new versions. It is called as SAP Migration Projects.

Example : Company migrating from older versions like 4.5,4.6b, 4.6c to ECC 5.0 /  ECC 6.0 . SAP HR EHP3 to SAP HR EHP 5 .



1.Development Unit Testing This is done by developer .Unit test is executed in development system. This tests alone pieces of functionality.

For example, you have configured the absence quotas,special absences(maternity leave or military leaves) , custom pcrs or FMLA in development system, you dont know whether the output is coming correct or not , for that you have to login another client in same development system , do the copy from client by using transaction code SCC1 ,here you have to give your transport request and execute , whatever you have configured in main system all objects are copied to testing client, Now hire the employee , run the time eval and test the output .


2. Security Testing Security testing ensures the SAP security roles and authorization roles provided based on the requirements.  Test IDs will be created  of  different job roles and used to both confirm what a user can do and what a user cannot do.  The tester  will perform both Positive and Negative testing of the of job  roles that are assigned to user test ids.


3. Integration Testing In a multiple plat form environment integration testing is mandatory .All  integrated areas need to test by a tester. It  is  testing of SAP transactions (for example , Hr is integrated with Sales and distribution(creation of order and raise a invoice for billable resources, HR is integrated with Controlling or Project system, you need to test all accordingly.


4.Parallel Testing During parallel  testing all the existing data in the legacy system will transfer to SAP system & perform same process in both systems. A successful Parallel test shows identical results when both the legacy system and new system results are compared. Tester will run the programs / transaction repeatedly  in both system , resolve issues with the help of other team if any issues, continue perform tests till gets the  identical results in both. Example : Parallel payroll  process. Run payrolls in SAP & legacy system for 2-3 months & analyze the payroll results


5.User Acceptance Testing(UAT) User Acceptance testing is conducted in by a group of business end users to validate that the new developed SAP system meets all requirements. During User acceptance testing the system end users separately execute test cases & find out the results are as expected. The test team will guide the UAT team in their testing activities. UAT will ensure that the system is acceptable from the users perspective, performing as per the requirement & if the users are satisfied they provide a sign off.



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