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Domestic Workers’ Legal Guide, iiQ8, A Guide by One Roof

Domestic Workers’ Legal Guide, iiQ8, A Guide by One Roof

Domestic workers are vulnerable to exploitation, violence, harassment, and forced labour, many women and men end up being trapped in abusive work situations which in some cases may amount to modern forms of slavery.

While the relationship between the employer and domestic worker in Kuwait is successful and effective in most cases, it is still important for domestic workers to be knowledgeable of their legal rights and responsibilities in order to be familiar with the rules that regulate their work and be able to demand their rights in case they were violated.

The standard Domestic Worker Law is very specific regarding many aspects of employment, such as the amount of pay, end of service benefits, accommodation, health care, where you should work, the nature of your work and other details.

Although it is not a guarantee for protection, knowing your rights is the first step in protecting yourself.

Advice on Residency Law

The residency will be canceled if a worker’s absence from Kuwait exceeds 6 months. A foreign national who is awaiting deportation may be…

Sexual Assault

  Clause Definition                                 Article   Indecent Act Not Committed in Public   If a person commits an indecent act in private that insults and shames a woman who is not…


  Clause Definition Article   Simple assault   Simple assault includes spitting, pulling hair, or clothes, or spraying with water; as well as physical beating that does not leave a…

Kidnap & False Imprisonment

  Clause Definition                                 Article   False Imprisonment   False imprisonment is preventing a person from moving from one place to another against his/her will in ways not regulated by the…

General rights of the employer and employee

The employer should receive the domestic worker within 24 hours of his/her arrival in Kuwait There are no legal fees on cases filed…

Duties of Domestic Workers

The duties of individual domestic housekeepers vary widely. Some housekeepers have complete responsibility and authority to plan and carry out many household duties. Others…

A guide to general labour rights

Domestic house workers in Kuwait perform many essential duties in private households. They clean, cook, care for children, look after elderly family members, and…

A guide to Domestic Workers’ Working Hours and Holidays

Working hours of domestic workers in Kuwait can be the longest and most unpredictable. But regulating their work is an essential issue. For work-life…

A guide to Domestic Workers’ Location & Nature of Work

Domestic help has certain rights regarding the location and nature of the work.  When it comes to safety and maintaining a healthy work environment…

A guide to Domestic Workers’ Living conditions

Domestic help can sometimes be subjected to abuse when they living with their employers.  When it comes to safety and maintaining a healthy work…

A guide to Domestic Workers’ Financial rights

Work is part of everyone’s daily life and is crucial to a person’s dignity, well-being and development as a human being. When it comes…

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